Page 89 of Into Temptation
She turns to face me, and I do the same to her. She examines me slowly, no doubt reliving every step of tonight. I feel dirty in every sense of the word, so when Babydoll attempts to touch my cheek, I turn away.
“I don’t want to pollute ya with my filth,” I confess, chin downcast.
She reaches out and lifts my chin to meet her eyes once again. The air is suddenly on fire because finally…I know what she wants.
She stands on her toes and presses her mouth to mine, kissing me with a sense of urgency and desperation that takes my breath away. I kiss her back with passion because I never thought she’d want to kiss me again.
She winds her fingers through my snarled hair, tugging hard as she bites my bottom lip and then thrusts her tongue into my mouth.
“Fuck me,” she pants, frantically fumbling with the buttons on my shirt.
“Baby,” I say, attempting to stop her from undressing me. “I’m covered in yer…father’s blood. Let me get cleaned up. Let’s go back home and—”
“No,” she interrupts, slapping my hand away. “Now.”
Before I have a chance to plead she see reason, my buttons scatter all over the ground as she rips my shirt down the middle. My mouth parts in shock as her aggression is a surprise.
She doesn’t give me any time to recover as she reaches for the buckle of my belt, making it clear she wants this, and she wants this now.
But not like this.
“Cami, stop,” I say, firmly gripping her wrist to stop her from unfastening my trousers.
“You don’t want to fuck me? Is that it?”
“Ya know that’s not it,” I reply, shaking my head. “Yer hurtin’. What ya saw tonight, if ya need some time to—”
“What I need is a good fuck,” she aggressively spits. “And if you’re not going to give it to me, then I’ll find someone who will.”
She’s angry, confused, and probably sad, and I understand that. So I don’t take her comment to heart.
“Would ya quit actin’ like this? Talk to me. I want to know what yer thinkin’.”
“Why?” she shouts, angry with me.
“’Cause ya saw me decapitate yer dad,” I reply calmly. “No matter that he was a fucking arsehole, he was still yer father. That’s got to affect ya.”
“Will killing Sean affectyou?” she challenges, arching a defiant brow.
“That’s different. Sean is nothin’ like Brody. He continues to fuck with me while Brody actually wanted to make amends with you, no matter how delusional that was. I think, no matter what he did, yer hurtin’ that he’s dead, and that’s normal.”
“Fuck you,” she snaps, shaking her head. “You don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m not hurting. I hate him!”
“There’s nothin’ to be ashamed of,” I assure her. “He was yer dad.”
“He used me!” she cries, arms out wide. “How dare you say I care. He’s a fucking monster. What does that say about me then? How could I love a monster? If what you say is true, then what does that say about me when I was the one who orchestrated his death?”
When I don’t reply, she advances forward and shoves me in the chest.
“Answer me! You seem to have all the answers, so go on then. How could I possibly love the man who ruined my fucking life?”
I don’t retaliate. I allow her to take her emotions out on me because that’s the only way she’ll heal. For us to work, she’ll need to forgive me because if she doesn’t, we won’t survive this. And she needs to forgive herself.
“Ya don’t choose who ya love, Cami,” I honestly confess. “Love chooses you. And yer powerless to stop that. Just how I was powerless to stop from fallin’ in love…with you.”
She blinks once, her anger simmering as she digests what I just shared.