Page 95 of Dirty Dix
But Madison doesn’t miss a beat as she replies, “You know us women, we like to keep our men guessing.” She winks conspiratorially at Rebecca, who happily nods.
“Oh, you got that right.” She looks at Chad, giving him a sly little grin.
He melts and gets all love-eyed while I kiss the arch of Madison’s neck and whisper, “Thank you.”
She subtly nods and surprises me by leaning into my caress.
“I’m Chad, and this is my beautiful fiancée, Rebecca.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you both,” Madison replies. “Oh my, goddamn, look at your ring. Let me look,” she adds, making grabby hands, and Rebecca chuckles as she proudly displays her hand. “That is some ring. It really is beautiful, Rebecca. You’re going to make a stunning bride.”
Both Chad and Rebecca beam at Madison’s comment while I watch the exchange, disbelieving how the tension has fizzled, and I no longer feel the need to protect my nuts. Thanks to Madison, my career is safe for the minute, and so is my dick.
“She sure is,” Chad says in agreement. “Well, if you’ll excuse us,” he adds, and Rebecca looks at him with a smirk.
“Bye, bye,” she says, standing up while I try not to vomit because they are so going upstairs to bump wrinkly uglies.
“I’ll see you tonight,” Chad says while hooking a hand around Rebecca’s waist.
“Tonight?” I dreamily ask, lost in Madison’s vanilla fragrance.
“Yes, for the ceremony.”
“Oh right,” I reply, shaking my head and pulling my shit together.
“We can meet in the lobby? Around seven?” he suggests.
Madison has already done too much, what with saving my ass from Rebecca’s claws. I surely can’t ask her to continue with this charade into the night, can I?
Chad and Rebecca look at me expectantly, and just as I’m about to make up an excuse as to why Madison can’t come, she says, “Great, we can’t wait.”
I turn to look at her quickly, and she nods, a small smile gracing her cherub lips.
“Yes, great; seven it is,” I say, my eyes never leaving Madison’s.
“Wonderful, we’ll see you then.” They’re both off, Rebecca giggling in the distance.
The moment they disappear, I let out the breath I was holding.
Now that we’re alone, Madison appears to regret her decision to come to my rescue. I don’t blame her, though, as I was a right royal dick to her.
I feel a purge approaching.
“I’m sorry, Madison,” I say, and when she opens her mouth to speak, I place a finger over her lips to silence her. “Just let me finish.” She nods, her eyes softening as I remove my finger. “About the other day, I was out of line. I acted like a real asshole, and well…” I state, rubbing the back of my neck. “I’m sorry.”
But it’s not only the other day I need to apologize for.
“I’m sorry for everything,” I add, meaning every single word. “I should have called and made sure you were all right, but I thought you made your feelings quite clear that you never wanted to see me again.”
She lowers her eyes as I’ve obviously struck a nerve, but she still doesn’t speak.
“I’m so sorry for hurting you. It was never my intention to make you feel uncomfortable or scared. If I could take back that night, I would.”
My confession has struck a nerve, and she looks up, tears pooling in her eyes. “You regret it?” she whispers, her lower lip quivering.
“No,” I quickly reply, not wanting her to run away. “I’ve never regretted a moment spent with you. Especially not that,” I add, reaching out and running my knuckles down her cheek.
I don’t know where this honesty has come from, but I decide to go with it because it feels so right.