Page 48 of End of the Sword
He dipped his chin, eyes widening a fraction as he waited expectantly.
“I’m fine. Areyouokay?”
His throat bobbed. Now that she looked at him and not just at the wings she could see the worry etched across his face and feel the clamminess of his palms over her fingers.
“I can’t make them go away.”
“Try relaxing,” Rehan interjected from a few feet away.
Wrinkles formed along Shelby’s eyes as he squeezed them shut. The wings lifted while his shoulders tensed even further.
“It’s okay,” Ace said hurriedly, pulling her hand out of Shelby’s grasp to lightly touch his cheek.
Those hazel eyes snapped open and the feathers on his wings ruffled.
“It’s okay if they don’t go away. Can you tuck them in against you?”
He pulled his wings in against his back. They were still visible over his broad shoulders and outlined the length of his body. The golden glow that had been vibrant on his skin was slowly fading though, giving way to the deep brown of his skin and the faintest flush of pink along his cheeks.
“We need to find Glatton.” Shelby was trying to distract himself, to point the conversation back toward what needed to be done.
A couple dozen warlocks were still hovering around them, watching in quiet awe. Most were back to their feet again. A few limped forward from whatever battle they’d undergone with Shelby and Rehan only moments ago.
The words of the gods came rushing back. They were already at Glatton. They were knocking on the front door. That’s what the gods had said.
Ace wasn’t sure what she expected of a lost city of witches; perhaps ruins, a clearing, or even a sign that said ‘hey, welcome to Glatton, glad you could finally join us.’ There wasn’t anything remotely like that near them, just trees, bushes, and a couple of squirrels scampering up thick trunks.
“We’re already here.”
“What?” He tossed a look over his shoulder as if he too expected there to suddenly be a bubbling city of witches lurking behind a tree.
“It’s here.” She dropped her hands from him completely and took a step back. “The gods said we were already knocking on the door of Glatton where we’d stopped with the carriage. It’s near here.”
“Do you know where Glatton is?” The question was almost accusing as Shelby glared down at the warlock who’d held Ace just minutes ago.
The man gave a shake of his head. “We know it’s close. We’ve sensed it but haven’t been able to find it.”
“What’s your name?” Ace tipped her chin at the man.
“Radrick.” He crossed his arms in front of his chest.
Ace moved quietly until she was standing under him so close she could smell his odor again. “Radrick,” she spit the name out like it was nothing more than a piece of molded food, “if you ever, ever, touch my ass again, I will chop you into little pieces and cook you in a stew.”
“She’s not going to eat you in a stew.” Shelby shook his head, working to keep his wings tucked in beside him as he walked around Radrick, squinting through the trees.
“Oh, yes I will!” Ace pointed a finger at the sky. “I can promise you I will.”
Shelby rolled his eyes, snagging her arm and pulling her around him. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” Then he paused and looked over at Radrick. “If you or any other warlock here touches her without her permission,Iwill chop you up and eat you in a stew.”
“Warlock stew. Yum.” Rehan coughed.
There was grumbling amongst the warlocks who nursed their wounds. They all turned back the way they’d come without explicitly speaking up against them. That was a good sign, Ace hoped.
They’d taken control of the situation again. They were close to Glatton. They could do this.
The path to where they’d stopped had nearly been cleared. Limbs were broken from trees, grass was singed with smoke still drifting from the ash, and blood led them back to the carriage like breadcrumbs.