Page 61 of End of the Sword
“I think she might have a crush on you,” Ace teased.
“She thinks you’re really cute.”
Rumbles of laughter shook her as he tilted back. One hand fell away, while the other swept down her arm and interlaced through her fingers. “I’ll have to tell her that there is only room for one woman in my heart.”
She half expected Mina to jump in and tell them how utterly cute they were but the goddess was silent. Before she could even ask the question Rehan was already answering.
“I think it has something to do with the presence of all the witches and warlocks. Like too much godly power in one place or something. Makes it hard for the others to make their presence known. Kinda peaceful, right? Well, except for all the magic they keep doing.” He turned toward the rest of the party. “Here let’s get you a drink.”
“Sure.” True excitement washed away all the other reservations she had. She’d never been able to go to a party where she was old enough to drink!
The occasional familiar face would look up from a conversation to see the pair walking amongst the crowd to one of the many long tables overflowing with food and drink. The warlocks looked much different in their fine clothes. Not to mention the way joy erased all the earlier frustration and the way many of them embraced someone in one way or another.
Bleeding had been scary but her sacrifice had created so much…good.
Rehan placed a thin stemmed glass in her hand. “To us.” White wine rocked in the glass as they tapped the rims together. “I’m just amazed…” He trailed off, his attention wandering up and down Ace as if he was trying to take it all in.
“I know, this is insane.” Ace made a noise somewhere between a gasp and a laugh. “I can’t believe we found Glatton. I can’t believe our blood actually worked. We’re here.” Sipping on her wine she forced herself not to make a sour face at its tart taste. She couldn’t help the smile that kept forming and making her cheeks hurt. This was a happy occasion.
Music, food, the people…for once in as long as Ace could remember, she didn’t feel like she was running from something.
“I wasn’t talking about the party. I was talking about you.” There was a glint in his eyes as he inched closer to her.
“Oh, stop it.” She swatted at his arm but he in turn took that as his chance to place his hand on the small of her waist, tucking their bodies closely together.
“You did this. Your bravery. Your will. You made all of this happen. I’ve never met someone more fitting to be a queen.”
Something in the air was making him reckless tonight. It was a nice change to his normally all too nice persona. Rehan was her future and she’d been blessed with someone so adoring and kind. The man was so selfless she didn’t think she could ever live up to the standards to which he held himself. But she could try.
“I didn’t do it alone. You did this too.” And Shelby… but she didn’t say it for fear ruining this one small moment between them that didn’t feel so forced like the others.
It could have been the wine, the atmosphere of the event, the music that pulled people together, or lighting that set the mood, but Ace let herself melt against him. Though the night was growing colder, there was warmth to be found in someone else’s arms. Something many people had taken to. The citizens of Glatton still eyed her and Rehan as if they were something to be feared but they didn’t run from them. The small daring glances were all they did.
“What a wonderful pair we make.” His forehead met hers, causing her to close her eyes. “I want to kiss you so badly,” he whispered, almost too quiet to hear over the music and noise of the crowd.
“I wouldn’t stop you,” she breathed. Something was in the air tonight, no doubt. Under her touch, his suit was soft as she trailed a hand up his arms. She let her fingertips touch the skin of his neck just above the collar of his shirt, stealing away his next breath as she leaned in and pressed her mouth to his.
Rehan set his glass on the table next to them, never breaking the contact of their lips. He kissed her back, one hand holding her tightly against him the other weaving into her hair. One swipe of his tongue parted her lips for him, drawing forth a gasp that was caught between them.
There was holy fire in that kiss. It burned against her tongue, it tasted like spun sugar and warmed her veins. Rehan stole her breath in the most shocking way. While she thought of him as gentle, caring, and thoughtful his kiss was nothing like she was expecting. His lips on hers were fierce, demanding, and daring, drawing forth the wonderment of what he would be like as a lover.
They only broke apart when Ace tipped herself away to take a deep replenishing breath. Her lips stung like they were on fire. Rehan watched her with his brows raised as he waited for her to catch her breath.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for a very long time.”
“We haven’t known each other for that long.” She took another sip of wine hoping to dissolve the odd trembling sensation that had come over her.
“I’ve known about you for far longer than you’ve known about me. It would seem my patience is paying off though.”
Movement over his shoulder caught Ace’s eye. Shelby stood talking to Margo, well probably more like listening to Margo, his eyes fixated on her and Rehan. When their gazes met, he lifted his glass in salute before downing its entirety and turning to pick up another drink.
This was where she was supposed to be, she reminded herself.
“Would you like to dance?” Rehan reached for the glass in her hand.
A small bubble of panic rose. Ace tipped the glass to her lips forcing the liquid down as a means of courage before allowing him to take it from her.