Page 12 of Heartsick
“Alright, what?” I arched a brow.
“You’ll write a letter to Princess Maggie. You’ll help me and I’ll help you. If we can sway her to remove her father from his throne and release their Nymphs from slavery then we can talk about you getting a chance to destroy the token with supervision.” He paused. “Are you even capable of breaking the token if you’ve been commanded not to do so?”
“You’d be surprised at the loopholes I’ve found in the binding.”
King Windre hummed and flicked his long trailing coat out behind him. Even after dropping his act, he hadn’t quit wearing such gaudy outfits. His coat was a lovely maroon, but it was intricately embroidered with gold leaves. At his wrists, the sleeves billowed out like tiny little balloons before tightening with elastic at the ends. An odd fashion.
He gave me quite the view of the elegant clothing as he took his time over and up the steps. Was that it then? That was all he needed from me? My hands fell away from the bars, smacking against my legs.
It would be another eventless day in the dungeons. I’d stare at the wall and wait for my meals to arrive. That would be that. Maybe today I would do some small exercises just to keep myself moving, and then take a nap. A nap did sound quite pleasant.
Just as my thoughts started away to anything that would occupy me for a moment longer, King Windre descended the stairs. In his large hands, he held a small notepad and a pen at the ready. Taking the last step, he cleared his throat.
“What would you like to say?”
Well, I hadn’t thought that far into it. What could I say? Anything, Milo. This is your chance at freedom. Say whatever you have to say.
“I, uh, are you going to write it for me?” I finally stuttered out.
“I wouldn’t want you to get dirt on the paper and make it illegible, would I?” He tutted again. The edge of the pen tapped against the notepad impatiently. “What would you like to say?”
“Uh,” I cleared my throat, “Something like ‘Dear Princess Maglehmore, I’m trapped in a cage with a bucket of my own shit. I would like to be released from said prison, so perhaps you can do me a favor and assassinate your own father.’”
King Windre blinked, the pen unmoving. “Well, that’s not a very pleasant letter.”
I sighed and rolled my eyes. “It would be easier to think if I wasn’t cooped up in here.” It was clear King Windre’s pity only went so far. “Okay, okay. ‘Dear Princess Maglehmore, as friends I would like to present an opportunity to you that has been brought to my attention here in the Acture Court. If I could promise you your father’s crown, with support from other courts, would you take it?’”
“That’s it?” King Windre asked quietly, the pen quickly scrawling across the paper.
“Trust me. That’s all we need.” My relationship with the princess wasn’t a very deep, meaningful connection, but she seemed as easily motivated by the prospect of power as her father.
With both hands, King Windre gripped the notepad and the pen together. This time it felt like a true goodbye as he turned to march back up the stairs, but one question still plagued me. One thatneededanswered.
“Wait,” I said, furrowing my brows, instantly regretting it.
King Windre spun slowly on his toes, grinning widely. “Yes?” His eyes glowed with an eerie knowing.
“How is Red?” Even to my own ears, my voice was too small, too desperate. This was why I so desperately needed to get that token back to my queen. This was why I needed to gain my freedom. Without the token, my only other shot would be to sacrifice the person I cared for the most. Part of me feared that one day it would be Red, that maybe it already was Red. Only more confirmation that I was a fucked up individual.
“Hm, she’s well as her powers reemerge. She isn’t the most forgiving Nymph I have met, but it’s understandable given the circumstances.”
I took a deep breath through my mouth trying to think through what I wanted to say next. “Is she allowed to visit me?”
“Oh, she’s allowed to do anything she wants, including visiting you.” The laugh that followed under his breath was haunting. “She just doesn’t want to.”
As much as I hated that. It was good. It would keep her safe. Truly, it was wrong of me to ask for her presence in the first place.
Folding my hands into my lap I nodded and began counting the dots along the wall. The echo of King Windre’s steps faded to the rhythm of my distracted thoughts.