Page 19 of Heartsick
Just walk faster, Ryker. They’ll dry.
Her jaw fell open, but she quickly righted herself. Those large green eyes scanned me from head to toe looking for injury. My only injuries were ones that you couldn’t see.
“Are you okay? Is anyone hurt? Where are you going? Are you not in the Heathern Court?”
I laughed at the fountain of questions that bubbled out of her. She sounded as I would expect a mother to. “I’m okay. No one got hurt, but Daethian escaped and he…he isn’t right.” I closed both hands around the crystal, clinging to it like it was a stuffed animal. “King Ganglin did a lot of damage to the castle and it wasn’t structurally sound anymore. It’s in ruins now.” Maybe I would leave out the part where I helped to destroy it. “We are actually walking to you now, on the old trade route behind the castle.”
It was a lot of information to take in at once. Hattie blinked, her long eyelashes brushing her cheekbones. Her steps zigzagged beside me, giving me the idea that she was walking around wherever she was at. It was strange to see, considering last time it was almost like she was fully present with me, nearly tangible.
“I see,” she murmured.
Stepping over a stick, I stared down at the dirt and grass below. The footprints of those in front of me were easy to make out as I followed behind them. I caught a few wandering eyes watching the sheer version of Hattie walking alongside me with curiosity. I would be curious, too.
“What are you doing?” I finally asked when she didn’t say anything else.
“I’m looking for King Windre. He is here somewhere. I’ll tell him the news. Ah—” Her words cut off as she reached out and her hand twisted a knob that I couldn’t see. “I’m sorry, can I steal you?” I knew she wasn’t talking to me as she looked past me and found the king. My steps faltered as I heard his voice carry through. Even though I couldn’t see his image, it was clear it was the king talking.
“So, are you talking to me now?” he said roughly.
“Only because I have to,” she quipped.
“Trouble in paradise still?” I chuckled.
Hattie whipped her head toward me. “You can hear him? Can you see him?”
“No, I can’t see him, but yes, I can hear him.” It took all of me not to roll my eyes. If she was expecting this to be a private conversation she was sorely mistaken.
A long breath escaped Hattie’s lips, but she continued nonetheless. “King Ganglin attacked the castle. Ryker and all of the Nymphs that were housed in the Heathern Court are heading toward us. We need to make sure we make room for them and that they arrive safely.”
“I would agree with that,” King Windre hummed.
“Sure you would because it doesn’t ruin this false reputation if you can keep it a secret,” she huffed.
“Wait,” I said calmly, “don’t piss him off. We need a welcoming home, Hattie.”
“What do you want me to do?” King Windre growled. “Do you want me to announce to everyone we are a safe haven for Nymphs? You want me to officially tell the world that I’ve lied to them? It’s only going to piss Ottack and King Ganglin off more.”
“That would be a start.”
My sister was so stubborn, but it was for good reason. I pursed my lips and waited as they bantered back and forth, wondering if they already knew that Ottack’s troops were on the move or not.
“Fine then. I’ll do it. I’ll risk it all.” The King huffed. How deep did their emotions run for each other? Whether or not the King admitted it, Hattie had an effect on him.
“You’ll do it?” Hattie whispered.
“Holy Havala!” I echoed.
“I’ll do it. Formally. Tomorrow, even. Let me talk to my advisors and have the council set up the public announcement at the castle.”
“Really?” Hattie said again, excitement growing in her voice. The anger was quickly dissolving from her face too.
“Really,” King Windre sighed.
“I’m so happy I’m here to witness this beautiful moment,” I interjected. Suddenly, I felt like a third wheel.
“Right. Right, right, right.” Hattie shook her head. She smoothed her hands down the plain uniform she liked to wear. “We’ll be ready for you when you get here.” She looked at me hopefully.
“Do we need to prepare any of our healers?” King Windre continued, mentally ticking off the to-do list in his head.