Page 46 of Heartsick
The guards posted down the hall glanced her way but continued their quiet conversation. They were two guards that had often helped keep the fact that I wasn’t home a secret when it needed to be. It made things seem a lot more casual between us. Which was good because my life had suddenly gotten a hell of a lot more professional.
“This way.” I slipped my hand into hers and guided her down the many halls.
She watched as we moved by painting after painting. Eventually she stopped, pointing at one. “Do you know who all these people are?”
“Of course I do. It’s one of the many painful subjects they taught us growing up. Why must one know the name of his own great, great, great, great, great, great, great…” I dramatically inhaled, “great grandfather, is beyond me. I suspect any future children would be subject to the same sort of torture.”
“Children? Like our children?”
I waved as we strolled on by more guards. “I’m not really fond of snotty little kids, but I think that if they had a little bit of you, hopefully more you than me, then I could learn to like them.”
Her skin had paled, her lips pressed tightly together. Even the palm of her hand against mine suddenly felt clammy.
“Oh, no. I’ve scared you, haven't I?”
“It’s just hard to think about having kids at a time like this. You think about having kids with me?” she asked slowly.
“Admittedly, I think about our future a lot. Nothing has to be done on my timeline though, and if you don't want kids, then good riddance.” I squeezed her hand. “The witch is at the end of this hallway.” Maybe that would serve as a distraction if I had officially weirded her out. It always seemed like she’d move an inch in the right direction, then I would promptly terrify the shit out of her with something stupid. She’s not in the same place you are, Dace. I cursed myself. She hasn’t known you for most of her life. She needs time, quit scaring her.
Quietly, we walked to the door. As my hand gripped the knob, Ryker spoke behind me. “I think I want kids.”
A smile, brilliant and painful to my cheeks, covered my face. “Kids, it is.”
I swung open the door and let her walk inside. Jesseline was sitting on the ledge of the window and she certainly didn’t look pleased to be the witch babysitter.
“Nice to see you…not drunk,” she said with a bored tone. “And you’ve brought a guest.” She finally smiled.
The witch was still curled into herself in the corner of the room, her head propped against the wall and her endlessly black eyes watching us. Ryker met Jesseline in the middle of the room, giving her a small hug.
“It’s good to see you well.” Ryker sounded distracted as she said the words, her attention really on the witch.
“She’s a shock to see.” I walked forward inserting myself between the witch and Ryker. Safety measures. I couldn’t lose anyone else to this evil creature.
“She’s beautiful,” Ryker whispered, inching closer.
“I wouldn’t call her that, but okay.”
Geeta looked up at me, her lips bending in a deep frown. The chain of the magic binding shackles that I had once worn pooled in her lap, her hands resting on top of them. Even though Geeta looked like she could eat Ryker for breakfast, she still got closer. I tried to keep myself between them, but Ryker gave me an odd look and patted my chest. Was that supposed to mean something? Because I wasn’t going to move.
“Come on, Dace. We are just talking. Look, she’s bound.” She pointed.
“That doesn’t make her any less of a threat. You’ve never seen what she can do.”
“Look, earlier me and the witch played cards. She isn’t terrible. Just let them talk.” Jesseline threw in her two cents, earning a dark glare from me.
“Cards?” Fighting the urge to rub the need for sleep from my eyes, I folded my arms over my chest, my white button up tightening along my shoulders, and I tapped my foot. This was for Ryker, but I wasn't exactly happy about it. Jesseline only nodded.
“Hi.” Ryker crouched down. “I’m Ryker. What should I call you?”
“Geeta,” she responded, smiling up toward me. A cold chill ran down my torso. I didn’t like that look, I didn’t like it one bit.
“Geeta, I have a friend that I think might have been cursed and I need your help.” The tip of her boots squeaked against the floor as she lowered herself to a sitting position.
My heart began to race. My palms were growing sweaty at my sides. I needed Ryker here. I needed Ryker safe. Perhaps she could get more out of the witch than I could.
Geeta’s mouth puckered as she waited, battling a smile she didn’t want to escape.
Ryker continued, glancing at me briefly. “Can you help me undo a curse?”