Page 54 of Heartsick
“Beloved sounds like a little bit of an exaggeration,” Dace whispered, quiet enough that only those closest could hear.
I coughed to cover my chuckle. A few eyes drifted over Dace to land on me, but I kept my gaze trained on my king. The priest frowned but continued on.
“As this crown comes to rest upon his head, we will celebrate the authority of his rule. We accept you as our king.”
“We accept you as our king,” the crowd said together.
Dace knelt at the foot of the priest, his hand balanced on his knee. His blue eyes snuck a look at me in his periphery. Nothing could stop me from blushing all over again.
Slowly, the priest lowered the crown. Dace’s hair didn’t flatten or appear even a smidge out of place as the piece was placed on his head. It looked like it had always been meant to be there. Maybe that’s what being a prince did. It taught you how to style your hair in a way that a crown couldn’t mess up.
His jacket smoothed against his back as he stood up. My eyes selfishly traveled down to his ass to admire the way his pants fit him just right.
The crowd applauded, pulling me from my dirty thoughts. I clapped my hands together too, joining them. Dace lifted his hand, calming their cheers.
“Queen Couley and King Henrick will be greatly missed. In the wake of their deaths, I will try to do my best to serve the people as their king.” He paused, letting them clap once more. “Please stay for as long as you’d like and enjoy the night, the food, the drinks, and the people.” He bowed and then stepped away from the priest.
Fae were already happily chatting with each other, only kind of watching as Dace strolled back to me. So many unfamiliar faces waited out there. I’d know them all soon enough.
“You look really good in that crown.” I fanned myself with a smile.
“Better watch what you say. It would be unbecoming of me to take you in front of this crowd.” He sauntered toward me, prowling like he was ready to deliver on his threat. It only spiked the tension that choked the space between us.
“I think I’d rather fancy being taken on this throne.” I ran a finger over the polished arm. “Maybe without the crowd.”
Dace growled. “You’re killing me.”
“Yes, well, it’s the least I can do.” I smirked, happily getting under his skin.
Standing at my side, we stood in silence for a moment, watching the party. Until Dace started pointing at the crowd. I followed his fingertip over to a large man whose muscles were stuffed into a suit that was far too small for him.
“Members of my court are here. Though between you and me, I might replace them all.” Half his lip twitched upward in a small smile. “That is Ukrinsovo. He is the head guard here in the palace. Great muscle and surprisingly smart, but blindly followed my parents even when things felt wrong.”
Trying not to draw attention or become too noticeable, as if he wasn’t already the center of the party with his king's crown and incredibly good looks, he slowly moved his pointer finger over. This time it landed on a man with glowing silver eyes.
“That is Titan. He should be my advisor, but he happens to also be my...” he cleared his throat, “Torrance’s father.”
What had he wanted to call him? His best friend? Something more official?
“Is this the Torrance who burned down the refuge? The one you freaked out on at your bridal proposition?”
“That’s the one.” He snapped his fingers with a false cheer. “Torrance was supposed to grow into the position his father holds and become my advisor. Now, I think they both need to go. Titan agreed with my parents, they didn’t want any part of this war. Torrance doesn’t care as long as he causes trouble and gets some form of entertainment out of it.” He looked toward the ground.
“Eventually, they wouldn’t have had a choice. You’ve done the right thing.” I slipped my hand into his, trying to reassure him. He pulled his attention back up into the crowd, sorting through faces with a distant expression. “What are you looking for?” I pressed.
“Torrance. It just occurred to me that he might actually be here.”
I looked through the crowd trying to remember what he looked like. A vague picture appeared in my head, fuzzy at best, of blue hair and glowing eyes like his father. The crowd parted and another man poked his head around a couple of women who were fully submerged in some serious gossip. “My King, may we borrow you?”
“Duty calls.” Dace sighed, before placing a brief kiss against my temple and strolling off into the sea of Fae.
Without Dace at my side, I was utterly alone in this room. I continued to glance around the marvelous space, letting the fluid sound of the piano music calm the nerves that still buzzed inside of me. I kept my back straight and I met the gaze of anyone who dared to look up at me. I wasn’t going to let the Fae scare me away from what I wanted. Half of me hoped I’d spot Jesseline’s dirty blonde hair from the corner, but that was a fool’s dream. Someone had to keep an eye on the Burgundy Witch. Especially on a night where drunken Fae might wander off to find an empty room.
All of the Fae of this court looked like they were made out of winter itself. Frosted skin, bright blue veins and hair ranging from silver white to plum purple and deep navy blue. The entire event looked like Mother Nature ate too many snowflakes and took a shit in the ballroom. I mean, not Dace of course.
My languid perusal slowed as my brain registered the intensity of a sterling gray stare. Focusing my eyes, I took in the long blue hair and the smirk that reminded me too much of Dace’s. Torrance was here.
He lifted a glass filled with wine. The red liquid sloshed in the sweeping motion he did as an invitation for me to join him. What could he have to say to me? I doubted anything good. Honestly, I only expected some belittling of Dace, his new king. He would be wise to keep comments like that to himself. Yet, my uncapped curiosity continued to get the best of me and I slipped through the crowd to get to him.