Page 62 of Heartsick
Hattie howled again, “You look stunning. And you’re different… slept with him!”
“Ew, is that the stench in the air?” The Nymph wrinkled her nose and plopped down in a chair near King Windre.
“I don’t see why it’s such a big deal,” Ryker whispered, trying to lower the volume of the conversation. I had to agree.
“Pfft, not a big deal. We are going totalk. I want to knoweverything, all the details. All. Of. It.” Hattie’s cheeks darkened with a blush but she clapped her hands together excitedly.
“Actually, I wish you wouldn’t. I’m rather uncomfortable,” I tried, hoping I could shrug off the feeling of everyone’s eyes on us.
“I don’t care. There are few joys in the world we live in currently, so I’ll take this as a gift.” Hattie laughed, shaking her sister. Ryker's expression held a tinge of disgust as her sister said the word gift. Hattie turned and looked at me with wide eyes. “Do you not want us to talk about it because you have a small dick? Oh, no!” She turned back to Ryker, finally lowering her voice, “Does he have a small dick?”
“Hattie!” Ryker shrieked. “That is so inappropriate.”
“Actually,” I stood and pulled out a chair for Hattie next to her sister. Tilting my head, I looked at Ryker, then the rest of the room. “I’d like this issue resolved now. Tell her Ryker. Do I have a small dick or no?”
“Oh, the mother,” Ryker hissed, lowering her head to hide behind her hands, “this can’t be happening right now. Really?”
“Really as in I really, really want to know,” Hattie urged.
King Windre shuffled in his chair, moving from side to side. His gaze was stressed and pointed directly at Hattie, who talked excitedly. My lip curled at her question.
Others approached, their quiet chatter coming down the hall. Ryker turned to her sister, taking her hand. “Later, I’m begging you. Just drop it.”
“Alright. Fine,” she pouted.
Ryker was really going to have to iron out this little dick problem. Because I simply did not have a little dick and I couldn’t imagine having the gossip started that I did. This was too hard of a time to have that sort of blow to my ego.
Randsin, Graceson, and Jerydin entered the room. That sounded like the beginning of a joke, but it wasn’t. The winged guards filed in one behind the other, tucking their wings behind them. Graceson blinked, shaking his head like he’d been hit with something.
“Holy shit, it smells like sex in here! Who did it?” He pointed around the room.
“For fuck’s sake,” Ryker said behind me.
“You did it? With him?” Graceson’s smile grew wider, knowing, and in my opinion, sort of creepy. “Yes? Yes. It’s a yes. I can see it on your faces. Damn, I always thought I’d get to be the one to deflower you.”
I coughed, choking on his words. Because what the fuck? “Seriously?” My hand cut through the air as I spoke, ice forming involuntarily on my fingertips. Another side effect of the claiming bond. Heightened jealousy. Boy, did I want to freeze Graceson’s lips closed.
“Woah, hey.” He held up his hands, following the others to their seats. “I’m the one who should be offended. I got second place in this race here.”
“It was never a race,” Ryker drawled next to me.
“Never?” Graceson smiled suggestively.
“Was it a race?” I asked. Damn. The question escaped me faster than I could contain it. Stupid, jealousy. Of course, it wasn’t a race. Right? She was gonna answer me any second. The answer was no, obviously. Or was it?
“My virginity was never a race!” Ryker fisted her hands on the table. A good sign to shut the fuck up before she popped us both in the face. Internally, I melted with relief. “Can we get to the issues at hand?”
“A few more guests have yet to arrive.” King Windre stood from his seat, walking to the door and poking his head into the hallway. “Oh, yes, here they are.”
Then when I listened, I could hear it. The slow shuffle of chains. My face scrunched up as I thought and tried to listen harder. Who was he bringing in chains?
“Right this way.” The King motioned them in.
Shavarra appeared first. She blinked several times, pausing in the doorway. Her eyes scanned the room. In her hands, she held a thick chain, the prisoner not yet in view.
“Don’t you dare say it.” Ryker pointed at her.
Shavarra bit her lip, trying to hold back a smile as she turned her gaze to me and squeaked through her teeth. I shook my head, smiling right back. Then I smiled even more as Ryker’s cheeks burned red.