Page 69 of Heartsick
“I know it,” she scoffed.
“Well, if you are going to say it like that then perhaps I should take it back.”
“You can’t take it back. Once you say it, it’s out there. It’s in the universe and you can’t do anything about it.” Our hips bumped as we walked. We’d turned down a different hallway now. I’d planned to get her back to her room, to let her actually finish a meal.
“King Dace!” a voice called, accompanied by the rapid beat of footsteps.
King Windre thundered down the hall, his tall frame bouncing along, his braid thrashing like a whip behind him. An apology was already on his lips. “Do either of you need to see a healer? I can call for Suzetta.” He slid up to our side.
“We aren’t injured,” I said calmly, noticing that the adrenaline was finally calming inside my body.
“I’m not sure how they were able to get in. This castle has been spelled against unwanted guests for over a century. I’ll have the guards do a sweep of the castle to make sure his friend isn’t still lurking.”
“Maybe the spell has worn off over time,” Ryker said.
“I wouldn’t think that possible.” King Windre chewed at his lip, looking forward. “Are you two on your way to do something?” The implication of his words made me snort.
“I’d planned on bringing Ryker to our room and letting her eat the rest of her lunch off my body.” I deadpanned. “How else does one respond to threats on their life?”
“Dace!” Ryker hissed, swatting my arm.
King Windre’s lips puckered, trying to suppress his goofy grin. “If you’re serious, I can give you your moment alone. However, I had planned a meeting with Milo and I was curious if you’d like to join.”
“Will he be chomping and salivating like a dog again?” I raised an eyebrow.
“No, that only happens when Randsin is around. This is just between us.” He paused, one hand hovering over my shoulder awkwardly, avoiding actual contact. “Again, I’m very sorry. Is this insensitive of me?”
“A little bit.” Ryker shrugged.
“Oh, dear. Sometimes I forget myself.” He smiled absently. “I can leave and give you more time to process.”
“I really hate to actually process things,” I drawled in a bored tone. “It only puts a damper on already poor situations.” Normally, I’d drink myself into a haze. Maybe tonight I'll get drunk on something else instead. I glanced over at Ryker, my thoughts taking dark, seductive routes. “Will you rest in our room and wait for me?”
“If you’ll be busy, I can return to the library. It should be free and clear of assassins now,” she offered.
I could feel myself pale at the thought. So I countered. Compromise is key. “What if I have them bring a stack of books to you? Then you can read to your heart's content.” I turned back to King Windre who walked quietly, examining his hands. “Can we post extra guards around our room while she’s alone?”
“Certainly,” he replied cheerfully.
“The guards aren’t necessary.” She waved a hand, dismissing the idea.
“Really, I insist.” Worry would eat me alive if she was truly alone. If the spell over the castle was not in full effect, whoever had come for her before could be coming back. “I know you can take care of yourself. Clearly, you already have. But if you won’t accept the guard for you, can you accept it for my own peace of mind while I’m away?”
“Yuck, don’t guilt me like that.” She wrinkled her nose. “But I guess I’ll survive extra ears listening to me turning the dusty pages. I used a thick-ass book to stun the man last time, so at least you’ll know I have plenty of weapons.”
“Of course you did. Thank you.” I squeezed her against me, grinning at the thought. “King Windre, I’ll come to your little meeting.”
Ryker pulled away, pointing herself toward our guest suite. She waved, her gaze drifting over me in a hungry way that I was determined to satisfy. Maybe I should go back to the room with her now…
King Windre hummed, turning in the opposite direction. I followed closely, letting one final gaze drift over my shoulders.
She’d be fine. If she could use the blunt end of a book to ward off an attack, she’d likely make it out of anything. She’s scrappy, I thought fondly.
Though King Windre’s castle remained fully stocked with the Nymph army and his personal staff, I often found the halls empty. Everyone was tucked away into their rooms and corners, unbothered by anyone else's presence. It made our walk feel quiet and almost lonely.
“Here we are.” King Windre pulled open a door and waved me inside.
It was a simple room, like an office that he didn’t fully use. A polished desk was centered in the room, with a few items on top of it, including a pot with a pen and a pad of paper. Two chairs sat to the side of the desk, and against the wall under a flickering Fae light, a small table was stacked with a few books for light reading.