Page 76 of Heartsick
Neither guard moved more than a hair to tilt their chin in my direction. Jesseline waited, one foot propped against the wall, her arms still crossed, wearing a dare-me grin. I cocked my head in a follow-me gesture, turning down the hallway.
“I’ll be back, boys,” she whispered as we passed, and only then did I hear those guards shift.
At the right turn, I frowned at her. “Why do you tease them like that?”
“I’m showing my dominance.”
“That isn't necessary.”
“Says you,” she said with a raised brow.
We stopped outside what should be a bathroom designated for guests. I pointed one thumb toward the same sort of rounded door the tea room had.
“This is the shitter.”
“Do you need to shit?” Jesseline deadpanned.
“No,” I drawled slowly.
“Then let's go get our princess.” She folded her hands in front of her, the edges of her image already fading. I could tell she was forcing herself to go slowly, to wait for me to take the hint. I imagined it took a lot of strength in her magic that I had yet to accomplish, though the potential was there.
“I’m not calling her that.” As my magic reached out to devour my skin and pull me away from the space I occupied, Jesseline’s answering chuckle rang out around me. In a blink, my eyes were adjusting from the well-lit halls to the dim, musty dungeons.
A sword clattered to the ground, bouncing off its sharpened edges and polished hilt until it slowed to a stop a few feet from me. An outstretched arm and the slumped body of a guard appeared, falling in a heap. Breath hissed from his lungs at the impact, his head already flopped to the side.
Obviously Jesseline’s work. I wondered as I stepped over him, if he was dead or if she’d merely knocked him out. There was little time to stop and investigate though, and in the end, it wouldn’t matter. I whistled a festive tune, bobbing my head and swaying my shoulders as I walked. In my periphery, a figure pulled themselves up against the bars of the cell. I smiled and kept walking.
“You can stop parading now. Get me out of here,” Princess Maggie demanded.
“Oh,” I paused, turning back toward her, “I didn’t see you there.”
“Eh,” I shrugged. “You know one time you teased me about spending time in the dungeons.” I ran a finger over the bars examining the dust that covered my fingertip. Another guard's body thudded to the ground. Keys jingled on his waist as Jesseline undid them from his belt. “How did you like your stay?”
“It would suit a man like you just fine.” She jutted her chin forward. Maggie’s dress was tattered at the edges, the color dulled with filth. Dirt was smudged against her cheeks and her hair was messily knotted behind her.
I scoffed, reaching through the bars to wipe the dirt off my fingertips on the excess fabric of her dress. “Now why would you say something so mean to someone who has come to rescue you?”
“You’re an asshole, Dace.”
“I thought you loved me,” I pouted.
“I was in love with the idea of becoming queen, not you.” she sniffled, fussing at her skirt as if it would fix the messy condition it was in.
Jesseline dangled the keys in front of me. “Are you done?”
“I’m not sure.” I pulled the keys, still warm from the guard’s hip, and held them up to examine. “I’d love to piss her off a little more.”
“Godsdamn it, Dace Augustus. I agreed to your bloody terms, now get me out of this hellhole!” A sternness filled her voice but she dared not raise it, not at the risk of drawing attention to her escape.
“Fine, no need to use such language, Princess.” I gave her my best shit-eating grin, pushing the key into the lock, and twisted. The lock snapped loudly, the door swinging as it released.
Maggie stumbled forward. “Let’s do this.”
“Done.” I looked her up and down. There was no way to avoid getting my own clothes dirty in some sort of way, I’d have to hold onto Maggie to get her back to where she should be. “One issue,” and it wasn’t the filth of her outfit, “your father has a guard in the room with him today.”
“I can handle whoever it is.” Maglehmore shrugged.