Page 88 of Heartsick
“Princess,”a voice called, my body rocking as it spoke. “Princess?”
Light broke through my cracked eyelids as I lifted my head. The Fae healer who had tried to save Daethian looked at me with an expressionless face.
No one had ever called me that before, and technically I wasn’t a princess, nor would I ever be. Once I married Dace, they’d call me queen, if that day ever came.
My back was stiff against the wall. Groaning, I stretched my legs and my arms out, looking at the healer. “I’m sorry, I must have fallen asleep while I was waiting.”
I’d come to the infirmary once I’d cleaned myself off, resigning myself to waiting as they yelled to each other and bustled in and out of the room for what felt like hours on end. I couldn’t catch the sound of any more shuffling feet or medical equipment banging together as they moved about. Everything had become still.
“Would you like to visit them?” he said.
“Them?” My head snapped up.
The Fae smiled at me now. “King Dace is alive and well, he’ll just need a few days of rest. Your friend, Daethian, as the King called him, isn’t awake yet, but he is breathing again and stable.” He offered me his hand.
His grip was soft and reassuring as he helped me to stand. Fae weren’t at task anymore and we walked in easily. The powder blue room was about the same as other infirmaries, filled with beds, divided by long curtains. He pointed at a closed curtain, pushing it aside so I could enter.
“The King wanted to see you.” He let go of my hand, closing the curtain once more.
Dace’s shirt had been peeled away and bandages were wrapped in layers around him. Wincing, he propped himself up on his elbows with a weak smile. “That was a surprising turn of events.”
I laughed, only because my other choice was to cry and I was certain there weren't any more tears left in my body. Dace lay back and patted the bed for me to sit. His scent wasn’t as strong I noticed, the room's overpowering smell of ammonia covered it up. Cautiously, I pulled myself up into the bed, taking great care not to bump his wounded side. His chest was warm against my cheek as my body balanced on the edge of the bed and delicately against him.
“I have the token,” I said.
Dace lifted one arm, absently stroking my hair as we stared up toward the white ceiling. “You do?”
“Daethian gave it to me.”
“They told you that they brought him back, right? That he is alive?”
“Yes,” I breathed. Would he wake up cursed? Would I have a moment with his brown eyes and taunting sense of humor? “I visited the witch,” I continued, my voice barely a hair over a whisper.
“Why?” He wasn’t surprised, only curious.
“I thought Daethian was dead…I thought she could bring him back.” I turned my face into his chest, just trying to take in as much of him as I could. He’s fine. He’s fine. And Daethian is alive, I tried to remind myself. Anxiety and fear were knotted in my stomach still, and I wondered what it would take for the knot to release. “The witch confessed to being the reason we lost our powers. I made a deal with her.”
“That sounds very queenly of you. Striking deals in very pressing hours,” he hummed, unfazed. “Life is so much more interesting with you, Ryker.”
“I told her if she broke the spell I’d give her her freedom.”
Dace let out a long breath. “Ryker, we can’t do that.”
“I didn’t think you’d like it, but she agreed and we can’t just keep her trapped like King Ganglin did. We aren’t monsters.”
“But she is.” His hand quit running through my hair. To Dace, she was the creature that killed his parents. I’m sure he’d rather lose her to the gallows than chance her running around the courts again.
“I didn’t think you’d like it,” I kissed his chest then lifted my face to look up at him, “but it has to be done. There’s more too and I’m sure you won't be happy to hear this news either.”
“More? How much more pain can you deliver me while I sit here aching with every single breath.” He tried for a small smile, but it didn’t light up his eyes.
“Jesseline tracked the assassin back to the guild and he is working for Torrance’s father, Titan.”
Dace nodded his head. “I’m surprised, but also not. That’s a loose end I’ll need to take care of.”
“Not in this condition, you’re not.”
His chest shuddered with a muffled chuckle. “Give me a few days and I’ll be back on my feet, business as usual.”