Page 11 of Lucky Hit
Igroan asmy alarm pulls me out of my dream and back into reality. Reaching my arm out to my nightstand, I root around until I find my phone. Grasping it between my calloused fingers, I swipe across the screen until the buzzing stops.
All I want to do is stay in my warm, cozy bed and sleep all damn day, but I know if I bail on Matt at the gym I'll be in for a long practice tonight filled with complaining, and I am not in the mood for that today. I'd had it all week since game night—the night I met Ava.
We stayed awake far into the morning, watching the sunrise above the crystal-clear river, both of us never running out of things to say. It wasn't until I started to notice Ava falling asleep against my shoulder that I decided I should probably get her home before she passed out on me. We haven't seen each other since then.
Maybe I would have texted her had I thought to get her number. It wouldn't have been challenging to get it either, considering our coinciding friendships; but an extremely irritating voice in my mind is holding me back.
I shake my head as if to clear it as I drag my lazy ass out of bed. I have too much going on right now to be sitting around worrying about girls, especially this early in the hockey season.
The tiles lining my bathroom floor are cold under my bare feet as I head to the tub and turn the shower on. The water sputters out of the rusted showerhead as I let it heat up. I scratch at the stubble on my chin that I've been way too lazy to shave as of late. I know full well the minute my mother sees me, she'll shove me into the bathroom to get rid of it. That reminds me, I should call her.
Once I'm out of the shower, I throw on the closest clothes and slip my sneakers on before heading out the door. To my relief, Mom picks up on the third ring as I climb inside my truck.
"Good morning, sweetheart! How are you doing? You're still coming home next weekend, right?"
How she manages to be this high energy in the morning is beyond me. I guess it's a mom thing.
"Morning, Mom. I'm good. A little tired, but what's new there? Yes, I'm still coming. Is Gracie excited for her first solo routine?"
Gracie has been doing ballet since she was seven. The first round of competitions this year starts on Saturday, and she has her first-ever solo performance. It's all I have been hearing about during our phone calls for the past month. I wouldn't miss it. I would never hear the end of it if I did.
"That's right, you have never really been a morning person," she laughs. Only now do I realize how much I missed hearing her laugh. "I don't think she can be more excited. It means the world to her that you will be here, honey."
I pull my seatbelt over my shoulder before clicking it in place and starting my truck. "I wouldn't miss it. I have to go, though—early morning gym session with the guys. I'll see you on Saturday morning."
"Good luck in your next game, Oakley. Drive safe. I love you."
"Always do. Love you too, Mom. Bye." I hang up the phone and mentally prepare myself for this gruelling workout I am being forced into.
"About time, bro.I was starting to think you were bailing on me. Hurry up I need a spotter!" Matt shouts the minute I walk through the intimidating doors of our team's training facility.
"Dude, there are four other guys here that can spot you." I shake my head but make my way over to the weight bench all the same. "Come on then. I don't have all day."
As I take my spot behind him and grab onto the weight bar, I decide now is a good time as ever to ask him more about Ava.
"How well do you know Ava?" I attempt to ask casually.
He gives me a pointed look from the weight-bench before settling back in his position and finishing his reps. "Be careful with her, man. Morgan would have my balls if I let any of the guys fuck around with her again." Fuck around with her?
"What do you mean? Is this about that Remer guy?"
"It's not my story to tell. Just be careful, Lee. She's a sweet girl," Matt insists, his affection for Ava clear in his serious expression. "She's been through way more than anyone should have to go through."
"Gotta say though, I was shocked to see her giving you any attention the other night," he continues as he finishes up another set. He hands the weight off to me and sits up. "How did it go, by the way? Morgan said she didn't hear Ava get back until really late, and you haven't brought it up."
How was it?We don't have the time to talk about how great it went.
I set the weight bar down in its resting place.
"Gee, thanks. You really know how to crush a guy's ego," I roll my eyes. "It was good. We just hung out and talked. She's great. Super down to earth and an awesome listener." Beautiful and crazily intelligent too. "I think I want to hang out with her again. I just don't know if I can make that kind of commitment yet. With hockey and my family." "There's nothing wrong with hanging out with her again. You can always be friends. Invite her to the game on Monday," he shrugs, the corners of his lips twitching as though he’s trying not to grin.
"Yeah, I guess. Do you have her number? I forgot to ask for it."
"You forgot to ask for a girl's number? She had you out of it, hey?" he laughs loudly as we make our way over to the treadmills.