Page 14 of Lucky Hit
Once I'm showered and dressed in my grey suit, I say my goodbyes. I leave the dressing room in hopes of getting out of the arena as fast as I can. Unfortunately, I don't make it very far. I'm stopped by a crowd of under-dressed women waiting by the locker room for their next victim which apparently and unluckily, turns out to be me.
"Hey, Oakley! You did amazing tonight. Are you going to the after-party?" I hear a nasally voice ask. The culprit is a thin blonde with heavily drawn on eyebrows. I think her name is Amanda? I'm not sure.
"Don't waste my time asking questions you already know the answer to, Amanda," I say, making it clear I am not in the mood.
She moves out of the group and stalks towards me, swinging her hips from side to side. If only Andre were here, I could have easily handed her off to him and fled.
"Oh, Oakley. I knew that you would remember me." The flirty remark makes my skin crawl, and I'm suddenly regretting using her name at all.
I tense my jaw, ready to reply with yet another one of my sarcastic remarks when a small arm wraps itself around my side. I automatically relax as I breathe in the intoxicating smell of Ava's perfume.
"Hey, babe. Ready to go? Everyone's waiting," Ava sings, looking up at me with round green eyes. She runs her fingers up and down my chest, sending a shiver down my spine.
My mind blanks on whether I should whisper a simple thank you, or push her up against the wall to shield her when I see the Paris Hilton wanna be standing with her fists clenched tightly at her sides. If looks could kill, Ava would be six feet under right now.
"Yep, good to go. I guess I'll see you ladies, later. Have a good night." I grab Ava's hand and drag her as far away from them as possible.
It's still surprising that they never seem to understand that my answer will be the same every time they bombard me out here. No thanks.
"Thank you. You have no idea how uncomfortable they make me."
"No worries. I figured you probably got swarmed. Being the star of the night and all." She nudges me with her arm and giggles.
I smile and let her lead the way out of the arena. "I had a reason to play well tonight. I loved the sign, by the way." My smile turns into a grin when she flushes.
"Hurry up, Ava! We have to get ready!" Morgan yells, half hanging out the unrolled window of her Jeep.
"I'll see you in a couple of hours, Mr. Hockey-God. Don't miss me too much." Ava sends me a teasing smile and gets in the car.
"Morgan told me to warn you not to fuck up tonight," Matt says without preamble when I get into his car.
Can't say I didn't see that one coming. I would expect nothing less from Morgan.
"She doesn't have to worry, man," I say, and I mean it. Ava Layton, prepare to be wooed.