Page 28 of Lucky Hit
Ava spent fifteen years of her life in and out of different foster homes, never knowing her real parents or why she didn’t have the same family that her classmates did.
A huge-hearted married couple, Lily and Derek Layton adopted her days before her sixteenth birthday, seemingly saving her from what could have been an even more so lonely and heartbreaking life.
"So that leads me to tonight—to now. My mom called me an hour ago to tell me that my birth mother showed up at their house this morning. She was demanding to know where I was." Is that even legal? "Who does she think she is? She threw me away like fucking trash twenty-years-ago to drown her sorrows with vodka and heroin. Now she wants to know me?" More cries echo through the other end of the line.
My eyes attach themselves to the family picture sitting proudly on my desk. I thought I had it rough with losing my dad, but I can't even begin to imagine never having had him in the first place. Or my mom. I'm at a loss for words. My heart hurts. All I want is to wrap her in my arms and help wash away all of the heartbreak that she's feeling.
"I'll be there in four hours. Don't leave the apartment, okay? Just wait for me."
I don't know what is driving me to make such a reckless decision. But I know I won't be able to sit here for another two days wondering if she's okay.
Gracie is going to kill me.
"What? Oakley, no. Your sister has her recital. I'll be fine. I just needed someone to talk to. You're not driving four hours in the dark because I'm a cry baby."
Her protests don't change my mind. I've already shoved all of my stuff back in my bag by the time I answer her.
"Too bad. Good luck with changing my mind. Us Hutton's are stubborn. Four hours and I'll be there. Then we can talk about it all. Should I get Adam to stay with you until I get there?"
God knows I don't want Adam anywhere near her, not alone—and certainly not when she's in a vulnerable state—but he is one of her best friends so I'll have to suck it up. I can pretend for one night that he isn't in love with my girl.
"You're ridiculous. And no. Please don't. I don't need anybody else worrying about me."
Too late, I already texted Adam and told him to get his ass over to Ava's. She doesn't need to know that, though.
"Okay. I'm going to hang up now so I can start driving. Stay calm, okay?"
"Drive safe. Thank you."
"Always. See you soon, beautiful." By the time I end the call, I've already made it down the stairs to see Mom setting the table.
She looks at me, grinning until she sees the bag slung around my shoulder. "Where are you going? What's wrong?" she asks, obvious concern in her eyes.
"I know it's last-minute, but a friend needs me—a special friend. I wouldn't be leaving unless it was important," I plead, hoping she'll read between the lines since I don't have time to explain to her who the "friend" is.
"Of course, sweetheart, I understand. Is she okay, at least?" Bingo.
"For now. I sent one of our friends over to check on her until I get there. But I'm worried," I manage to choke while fiddling with the strap of my bag. This helpless feeling is so foreign to me. Mom walks over and rubs her hands up and down my arms.
"Where's Gracie? She's going to hate me, isn't she?" I ask, the guilt starting to eat away at me.
“Outside with Jacob. She'll understand, Oakley. Just tell her what you told me. I'll record the whole thing for you tomorrow."
With a nod, I open the back door and welcome the cold September wind that bites at the skin not covered by my thin t-shirt. Gracie is sitting on the wooden swing hanging from our big oak tree.
"Hey, Jacob, mind giving me a minute alone with my sister?" My wording is polite, but the tone in my voice is a silent challenge.
"Oh yeah, of course. I'll be inside." After placing a kiss on my sister's cheek, he gets up and makes his way to the back door.
Once he makes it a safe distance away, I sit down beside her. "He's crazy about you, you know?"
That may be one of the only reasons I took it easy on him. It's evident to everyone who sees the way he looks at her. It's like he would move galaxies just to see her smile.
"I'm crazy about him too. Thank you for being nice to him." She lays her head against my shoulder and sighs, "Something's wrong. What happened?"