Page 60 of Lucky Hit
Parties are by far the most overrated part of college. I mean honestly, does anyone enjoy spending hours surrounded by drunk guys who can't keep their grabby hands to themselves?
Do people really like watching half-naked college students dance around on wobbly tabletops? I don't, that's for sure. Not anymore, anyway.
But unfortunately for me, when it comes to events like Matt's birthday party, I don't have a choice but to go. He is my best friend's boyfriend, after all.
"You're not coming back here tonight, right? I have some special things planned that I would rather you didn't interrupt this time," Morgan says from the bathroom as she finishes getting ready.
"Trust me, the last thing I want is to come home to whatever the hell you have planned," I shudder, pulling myself onto the bathroom countertop and grabbing my phone to read Oakley's text.
He is outside, waiting for us. And since he doesn't like to drink, he volunteered to be the designated driver tonight. "They're here. Ready?"
She smears more lip gloss on and rubs her lips together. "Woah, wait a minute. When did you get an ass?"
I spin around to see a shocked Morgan staring wide-eyed at my backside. "It's probably the pants."
Turning my body in the mirror, I look at the more notable than usual bump in my skinny black jeans. Unlike Morgan, I kept it simple tonight: a pair of high waisted black skinny jeans and a black crop top to go underneath my red leather jacket.
"Well, you look good. Maybe you'll finally get some action tonight?" she teases before shoving me out of the bathroom. My phone vibrates in the back pocket of my jeans.
"Please tell me you're on your way down," Oakley pleads, panic evident in his voice when I answer the call. "Matt is drunk off his ass already and driving me insane."
Morgan sashays out of her bedroom with her jacket and strappy heels on.
"We're leaving now. Stay strong, babe." I hang up and slide my shoes on. Morgan meets me by the door and we head downstairs.
"Have fun tonight, Ava. Please? You're going to a party with your friends and stud of a boyfriend. Just forget about all the other shit for one night," Morgan says gently. She puts her arm around my shoulders as we walk down the sidewalk to Oakley's truck.
I know what she's talking about. Ever since Rebecca showed up at our house last week, I haven't been able to shake it from my mind. I called my mom as soon as Rebecca vanished. Through my shaky sobs, I managed to explain what happened. To say she was pissed would be a vast understatement. But there isn't anything we can do right now except to wait and see if she makes another appearance.
I can't pretend like I don't want her to show up because I do. I have so many questions that I need the answers to. And she's the only one who can answer them for me. I also can't pretend her still using doesn't hurt me. It's been so long and she's still an addict.
I don't know what she was high on that day, but she sure wasn't clean.
"You're right. I'll try and have fun."
She turns her head and raises an eyebrow at me.
"I promise." I slap on a smile and she thankfully leaves it alone. When we reach the truck, Matt opens the passenger door. He topples out of his seat and falls face-first onto the wet grass.
"You dumbass." Morgan rushes to help him and tries to help him up, to no avail. "A little help here, Oakley," she snaps, letting out a huff. She takes off her heels, the bottoms now coated in rich dirt, and scoffs.
Oakley chuckles and grabs Matt's hand, yanking him on his feet and helps him into the backseat. Morgan climbs into the backseat, swearing.
Oakley turns to me, and his jaw slacks. His eyes trace over every inch of my body slowly. The intense stare makes the hair on my arms stand straight up and a heat to build between my legs.
"You are so beautiful, Ava. Not to mention sexy as hell," he groans, taking a step towards me. He pulls me against his hard chest and kisses me passionately. I melt into his touch and shivers trail down my spine. All too soon, he pulls away and drops his hands from my neck.
"We should stop before we give Morgan and Matt quite the show," he insists quietly. I can only nod my head in my dazed state as he laughs airily. He moves away and opens the passenger door for me. I hop up and put my seatbelt on.
"Happy birthday, Matt," I say, leaning around my seat to send him a smile.
"Thanks, Octavia. Hope you're ready to get crazy!" he roars, making the three of us laugh at the dopey grin he's wearing. Matt is a crazy person when he's drunk.
Oakley takes my hands in his and rests them on my thigh. I can't seem to keep my eyes away from him the entire drive to the party. His beard has turned scruffy and his hair has grown a little since Thanksgiving, making it the perfect length to wrap my fingers in. The jeans he's wearing are not hiding his noticeably large bulge either.