Page 62 of Lucky Hit
I've learned very quickly that Christmas is Ava's favourite holiday. The past few weeks have been packed full of shopping, decorating, and prepping for the annual party the girls are hosting tonight. I don't think I've ever been so happy not to see the inside of a shopping mall in my entire life.
I guessed it’s a tradition to get the group together before Christmas to open gifts and spend the night watching Christmas movies. This year it's the girls' turn to host—not like Ava would have given them any other choice. She has an adorable—and sometimes infuriating—need to be in charge of absolutely everything at all times.
"Babe, did you pick up the food? The guys are going to be here any minute," she huffs.
I can't help but laugh as Ava runs around frantically, switching on the Christmas lights that hung all around the tiny apartment. She puts her hands on her hips and lets out a deep breath.
She went a little overboard when we were shopping. There were very few decorations that she didn't end up tossing in the cart. The sparkle in her eyes as she walked up and down the aisles made the countless hours spent shopping beyond worth it.
"It's all in the fridge. Relax, babe. Everything will be perfect." I get up from the couch and walk over to her as she fiddles with the candy canes hanging from the tree.
I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her into my chest. I kiss the top of her head and gently pull her away from the perfectly placed decorations hanging from the green branches. Her shoulders droop and her head falls back against my chest as she relaxes against me.
"You're right. Thank you." She shifts in my arms to give me a grateful smile. "What would I do without you?"
"Mmm, let's not find out," I mutter, my heart contracting when she leans up to peck my lips.
"You're a goofball," she laughs and presses play on the Bluetooth speaker. Christmas carols fill the room.
"Isn't that why you love me, though?" I raise an eyebrow. She opens her mouth to respond when we are interrupted by a sharp rap on the front door.
"Sure, we'll go with that," she giggles. The bells hanging from the doorknob jingle as she pulls open the door. She beams at the guests waiting on the other side. "Hey!"
"Merry Christmas, beautiful." I hear Adam say. As soon as I'm out of sight, he pounces. Really? I clench my fist and hurry over to Ava.
I pull her into my arms and kiss her cheek as the guys watch the exchange with amusement. "Isn't she? That's what I told her after we got ready together—and every other second of the day."
I feel my chest push out when his face falls. He straightens up and walks past us both to sit down on the couch. Ava glares at me and shoves her elbow into my ribs. I smile innocently down at her and kiss the top of her head.
"Well, hello to you too, Oakley. Where should I put these?" Matt steps forward, holding a massive bag out in front of him.
"Are those presents?" Ava asks, her smile growing. Matt nods his head in response.
"He almost forgot them. We were halfway here when we had to turn back around," Tyler puts in.
"Hey, way to throw me under the bus. I got them here, didn't I?" Matt rolls his eyes and sits down beside Adam.
"Did I hear something about presents?" Morgan asks as she comes strolling out of her bedroom. Matt smirks, eyeing her up like his next meal. I wonder if that's what I look like when I check Ava out.
"Not for you. You didn't help get this ready at all," Ava declares from the kitchen. She stands beside me with a plate of gingerbread cookies in her hands.
"Like you would have let me help anyways." Morgan swipes a cookie off of the plate and moves over to sit down on Matt's lap. Ava rolls her eyes, sets the cookie down on the coffee table, and sits down next to Adam.
Yeah, right. I don't think so.
I pull her onto my lap before she can argue and wrap my arm tight around her waist. Adam glares at me in response.
"You all make me feel insanely single," Tyler groans, sitting down on the floor in front of Adam.
"C'mon man, you know if you wanted you could have had a girlfriend by now," Matt says, taking his attention away from Morgan for the first time since joining us.
"Always the jokester, dude," Tyler replies sarcastically. “That’s the last thing I need right now.”