Page 19 of Blissful Hook
"It is when I'm the only one with common sense! I know Tyler better than anyone, and any relationship you could have with him wouldn't last outside of the bedroom."
This sibling argument quickly becomes a free-for-all. The insult makes me grind my jaw. I take a warning step in Oakley's direction.
"Let's not pretend like you're some saint," I scoff, finally stepping in between the heated siblings.
"I am compared to you!" Oakley snaps back, cocking his head. "I wouldn't have taken advantage of my best friend's sister, that's for sure."
"You seem so sure that I took advantage of her but you don't even know what happened before you came bounding in here acting like a damn bodyguard with an axe to grind."
"Don't, Ty," Gracie pleads, her posture rigid. It's clear that she doesn't want her brother to know about us, but I can’t act like I wouldn't like for it to just be over and done with already.
"Unless you can look me in the eye and tell me you weren't in here trying to sleep with my sister, then I don't want to hear what was happening. I can figure out enough of it on my own."
"What the hell is going on in here?" Ava shrieks, storming into the room, confused. Gracie stares at her intently, her eyes pleading. Ava picks up on the tense energy quickly, and looks at Oakley with narrowed eyes. "What did you do?"
"Me? Why don't you ask the little girl silently begging for your help?" Oakley speaks to Ava but his words are directed at Gracie.
"Somebody better talk."
Nobody speaks. I know I should be the one to say something, anything, to make this better, but my mind is blank. I am too focused on the guilt and hopelessness this entire situation has brought. I should not have slept with Gracie in Mexico and I sure as hell should not have done it again here. Or anywhere. I've gone and fucked this up way worse than I ever thought I could.
"Tyler didn't take advantage of me, Oakley. Quite the opposite actually. And this isn't the first time we've been together like this. This is just the first time you have caught us," Gracie says softly, her cheeks flushed. "And you can be upset if you want, but it doesn't change the fact that we're not going to stop. You don't control my life anymore."
My jaw goes slack. I am surprised that she had the nerve to not only tell the truth about what we have done but to make a bold statement that could end up not being true. A sharp pain radiates through my face as Oakley's fist connects with my jaw. I lose my footing at the sudden force, flying back on my ass as he launches himself at me. I'm pinned to the ground before I can react, the back of my head throbbing from hitting the floor.
Oakley's fist winds back again, but Adam moves to pull him off me before he can hit me again. His weight is lifted from my chest and my lungs fill up like empty balloons.
"You can have him then, Gracie." Oakley turns to me. His lips are twitching but remain in a tight line. "Because I want nothing to do with him anymore."
My gut twists and pulls as Oakley shakes free of Adam and storms out of the room. Gracie kneels down in front of me and I throw an arm over my eyes as she asks where it hurts. I can't find it in me to reply so I just continue to lay here, dead to the world.
The pain shooting through my cheek is nothing compared to how I feel after hurting Oakley and destroying one of the most important friendships that I have ever had.