Page 33 of Blissful Hook
After spending the entire night stuck in deep thought, I finally managed to drift off at around four in the morning. Not like it did much good, though. The knocking stops as soon as I throw my legs over the side of the bed and stand on wobbly knees. I run a hand over my face, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes before I throw open my bedroom door.
"You have the silkiest looking hair!" I hear Mom exclaim from the kitchen. Narrowing my brows in confusion, I look to the front door and see a pair of pink polka-dotted Vans lying beside my boots.
Fuck no.
I head to the kitchen, my strides larger than usual as fear digs its jagged claws into my skin. A giggle rings throughout the room, sending very familiar tingles up my spine.
"Thanks! It's all in the conditioner."
I round the corner and catch sight of her. Her hip is pressed against the counter as she shows off her perfectly straight, milky white teeth to my mom with a widespread grin.
"I wasn’t expecting guests."My gravelly tone carries through the room, surprising the two women in my kitchen as they turn to face me.
"Don't be so rude, Tyler," Mom scolds. "And put some clothes on."
A chill breeze rushes over me as I look down at my bare chest, an involuntary shudder shaking through me. As I look up again, my eyes are pulled to the stiff guest in my kitchen. She's openly staring at my exposed torso without a care in the world, her mouth hanging slightly open and her pink tongue resting slightly behind her bottom teeth.
Close your mouth unless you want me to fill it, Gracie.
"I'll be back," I mutter, ripping my gaze away and moving to my room before I have to explain why I'm sporting a boner in front of my mother.
After finding an old hockey shirt from my drawer, I toss it over my head and head back out to what I am pretty sure is going to be a complete fucking disaster. The smell of freshly brewed coffee greets me as I brush past the beige armchair that separates my living room and kitchen. If it wasn't for Adam, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have a damn thing in this place. But of course, he insisted we go furniture shopping the day after I moved in. He's more of a girl than any girl I know some days.
"How's your brother doing? Is he still playing hockey? Tyler doesn't tell me anything these days."
My back tenses at her jab. I brush off Gracie's questioning stare as I head to the cupboard that holds my coffee cups.
"He does." Gracie tries to hide her confusion as to how the woman in front of her doesn't know that her brother is the biggest name in hockey right now. "He just got engaged, actually."
I jolt at my mom's sudden squeal, a groan slipping past my lips when the coffee sloshes onto the granite, missing the round lip of the mug.
"That's so exciting! Congratulate him for me, would you?"
"Why would she do that? You don't even know him," I snap, clutching my cup in a tight fist and whipping around. She feigns ignorance from her seat at the table, mouth gaping open in shock as a subtle "oh" falls in the silence.
"Tyler," Gracie mutters, rising from her seat. Her wide eyes watch me cautiously as if she is trying to understand my behaviour.
I ignore Gracie and raise an eyebrow at my mother. "I don't have time for this. I'm assuming you have things to do today?"
Gracie snaps this time."Tyler!"
I turn my attention to her now, my eyes narrowed into sharp slits as I wait for another scolding. If she had any idea how my mother really is, outside of this facade she likes to paint, I wouldn't be the bad guy right now.
"It's okay, sweetie." Mom smiles slightly and stands, placing a gentle hand on Gracie's shoulder. "He's not much of a morning person. Actually, that reminds me." She turns to me again. "River called while you were sleeping. He is going to be in town this weekend."
My stomach drops. A dull pain starts to make its way through my skull. Gracie doesn't need to hear about my ever-so-perfect big brother.
"Tell brother dearest, I said to get fucked," I snap. Walking to the sink, I pour my full mug down the drain. Placing my hands on the edge of the steel basin, my grip tightens until my knuckles turn a ghastly shade of white.
"You can tell him yourself when you join us for dinner Saturday night."
A sarcastic laugh rips through me as I let go of the sink and turn around. "It will be at one of his fancy restaurants, right?"
I lock eyes with Gracie in an unspoken apology. She gives me a comforting smile. I can feel some of the overwhelming tension seeping from my body at the soothing action, my appreciation for her growing tenfold.
"As a matter of fact, yes, it is. I would love it if you brought Gracie along."
"I don't think s-"