Page 65 of Blissful Hook
Where I should have been a long time ago.
A few minutes later, Gracie and I have migrated back to the kitchen. Alone. Her ass is on my thighs as we sit together on a black leather bar stool. The same pop music keeps playing around us but as I continue sitting here beside her with my head in her neck, it seems to bother me less and less. That seems to be a common theme when I’m around Gracie. The things that used to bother me just don’t anymore when she’s with me.
"You're doing good so far. I'm proud of you," Gracie mumbles while leaning back further against my chest. Although I would be lying if I said her subtle praise doesn't fuel a rise in my pride, I can't help but let my eyes roll when I feel a grin grow on my lips.
"Anything for you."
Her fingers crawl up my forearm in a soft motion and she sighs, "Can I ask you something?"
I tighten my grip on her waist, plant an open-mouthed kiss on her collarbone, and nod.
"Promise you won't just run off? This is important to me." Her body is tense as she anxiously awaits my answer. Although I can't help but feel confused, I don't hesitate to calm her mind.
"I promise."
"Pinky promise?"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. What's up, baby?"
"I was just thinking about something with everything that's happened recently and I don't know, I just thought that maybe. . ." she cuts off her nervous rambling with a sharp inhale.
"Holy shit, Gray. Out with it," I groan.
"Move in with me."
The words are tossed from her lips quickly that she spins around in my lap, her eyes wide with what I can only assume to be shock that she actually asked me to move in with her. My mouth drops now, my own surprise obvious before I feel her hands on my face. Her touch is gentle, almost non-existent as she rubs her thumbs along my jawline.
"That's not a question." I swallow nervously.
Her silence is a clear enough sign that she's hurt by my all-so-awkward response to her, but come on. Living together? That's a serious step. One that I don't know that I'm ready for. I don't even know if she's ready either. Feeling Gracie jump from my arms, I desperately start to clutch at my thoughts, as if maybe they would choose now to save me before they end up getting me locked in the dog house for whoever knows how long. I'm let down like usual.
"Adam!" she shouts with forced happiness when the front door opens. I curse myself out and groan while running my hand through my hair.
Way to go, you fucking ass hole.
My scowl is obvious as I stand and follow after her. I have to bite back my possessive growl when Adam wraps his arms around her in an obviously friendly hug. I know that acting out will only fuel Gracie's anger with me. It doesn't take long for Adam to sense my annoyance, though. He chuckles and backs away from her, but not without seizing the golden opportunity to piss me off even more with a teasing wink.
"Nice of you to join us, Tyler," he teases half-heartedly. I brush him off and wrap my arm tightly against Gracie and pull her into me possessively. The conversation that happened a couple minutes prior won’t stop me from touching her and staking an invisible claim over her that isn’t even necessary. Everyone already knows she’s mine.
"Hey, man." I nod.
“Can I talk to you a bit later?” he asks, sounding oddly nervous for such a confident guy. I don’t hesitate to nod with a lifted brow. Adam doesn’t give me details or an explanation, he only sends me a look that says, leave it alone for now. So I do.
When Oakley joins us and starts explaining the specifics of his team switch to Adam, I tune out the conversation and grab onto my girl's hip instead, pulling her back into me with a scowl. Her body is still tense under my touch but I don't care. She doesn't get to be the one running away without giving me a chance to fix the mess I've made. She's supposed to be the better half of me. She's not supposed to sink to the level I've been trying so hard to stay away from. That's not who she is and I won't let her follow my shit example.
"Is Braden here?" Adam asks.
I pop myself back into the conversation and shake my head. "Not yet, should be here soon," I say and adjust my grip on Gracie so I can wrap an arm around her waist. I can almost hear how fast my heart starts pumping when finally she lets her body relax again, sinking into mine.
A few beats later, there's a knock on the front door. Ava pulls it open and Braden's confidence fills the apartment. "Hey, little H. Nice pad, can't believe you've never invited me over before." He clicks his tongue while setting two cases of beer down on the floor. "Looking as good as ever, Ava baby."
"And you’re just as flirty as ever," Gracie snorts, moving away from me and towards Ava who simply flips Braden the bird with a dimpled grin. They both pick up a case of the foamy alcohol before heading off to discard them in the kitchen.
"It's about time you showed up, you fucker," I grin and slap my hand in Braden's open one.
"What can I say?" He smirks. "I was a little tied up."
"I always knew you were into some kinky shit," Oakley says before bursting out in a fit of laughter.