Page 71 of Blissful Hook
Chapter 35
A soft shove pulls me from what could have been a pretty decent sleep. I have to blink profusely to make out Gracie's anxious figure through the dark room as she leans over me from her side of the bed, panic clear in her tightened features.
"What time is it?" I croak. The sleep in my voice is heavy.
"Three in the morning," she answers and softly pushes the hair off of my damp forehead. "Braden called, baby."
I shoot into a sitting position and reach over to turn on the lamp beside me. As soon as the dull light washes over her, I see my phone clenched tightly in her fist.
"What happened?" I rush, throwing my legs over the side of the bed. "And how did we sleep until three?"
"Your brother showed up." She avoids eye contact and ignores my second question. "With Allen."
Fuck no. I'm slipping clothes on before she can throw the covers off of her naked body.
"Please tell me you're not planning on doing what I think you are," she sighs. There’s a silent plea in her glassy eyes. I'm not sure if it's fear or sleep that's creating such a shine over her baby blues, but I don't have time to find out. I hold out my hand in front of her, eyeing my cell phone.
"I will not stand by and let River of all people drag our mom back into Allen's infected claws, Gracie. I can't do that."
Pushing herself up, she reluctantly hands me my phone. "At least let me come with you," she pleads out loud this time with a quiver in her voice that makes my heart pound painfully against my chest.
"No." I shake my head. "Just stay here and go back to sleep. I'll be back before you wake up again."
"You can't be serious," she scoffs while throwing up a hand. "You think I'll be able to go back to bed after this?"
"I'm dead serious, Gray. You're safer here. Away from them." Away from me, I want to say.
Her face drops and she looks down at the bare toes poking out from under the blankets. Stop making me feel guilty, beautiful.
"Okay," she mumbles, nodding once.
"Hey, look at me." I take a step towards her and place a finger under her chin, lifting it up. "I promise that as soon as I get back we'll lay in bed and watch your cheesy vampire show all day. Sound good?"
Gracie's eyes light up when they move to mine. Her lips spread in a small smile and she nods in reluctant agreement. "No backing out halfway through an episode this time."
I let out a low chuckle before pulling her in for a deep kiss. "I'll be back soon."
She grabs hold of my hand and spins me around, pulling me back to her. Lifting herself onto her knees, she places a hand behind my neck and pulls me down so she can place her lips on mine again. The passion behind the kiss makes it hard for me to back away, which I think must have been her plan. I run a hand over her messy bed head while rubbing my thumb along her cheek.
"Be safe," she breathes out as she pulls away, hesitant to let me go.
"Always." It's the heaviest promise that I’ve ever made, but one I have every intention of keeping.
"I love you."
I ignore the twinge in my gut that urges me to run back into bed with her and press my lips to her cheek instead. "I love you." I drag my eyes off of her and push myself to get dressed and walk away, not stopping until I reach my truck.
Braden opens the door for me before I even make it up the front steps. "Hey."
I clench my fists at my sides knowing that my nails will leave pink crescent moons in my palms. I nod subtly and walk past him. River's voice slashes at my spine, bringing a flash of red through my vision as I stalk down the familiar hallway.
I hear Brooks growl, "You need to leave. Now."
Braden walks quietly behind me, keeping quiet to avoid pissing me off even more than I already am. As if that's a possibility. She was supposed to be safe here. But nowhere will ever be safe for her as long as that sack of human filth is walking around. I stop inches away from the living room archway and lean back against the wall. Braden's shoulder knocks against mine as he follows suit, his face pulled into a tight scowl.
"When did they get here?" I keep my voice low.
"Twenty minutes ago. River showed up first claiming that he needed to talk to her. We wouldn't have let him in if we knew he brought Allen."