Page 1 of Craving the Player
Chapter One
Sharp nails tear their way down my back, ripping through the sensitive skin and drawing blood. The busty blonde beneath me moans in my ear, greedily begging me to pick up the pace. We've been going at this for what feels like hours now. She'scome more times than Ican count, quite the opposite of myself. This chick'soverexaggerated moaning and squawking has halted every single one of my impending orgasms.
"Just like that!"
My growl is loud as Ipull out of her in one swift movement and lean back on my legs, dick starting to sag.
"What are you doing?" she whines, lips jutting out in ajuicy pout.
"Sorry, Becky. Ijust remembered that Ihave to go pick up my grandpa'sfriend'sdog from the vet." My tone is dry and careless. Imove off of the silk red sheets left in adisarray on her bed and toss the unused condom into the nearby trash can.
"It'sVictoria." Her breathless voice makes me cringe. It’sone of those overly raspy man voices. Atotal boner killer. Itry to block her out and focus on finding my clothes. Ican just about plant athank you kiss on the lamp in the corner of her room when Ispot my button-up hanging from it. “And you expect me to believe that you have to pick up this dog in the middle of the night?” She doesn’tspare me an unconvincing frown as she wraps the blanket around her otherwise naked body—awise decision on her part. It was her hot body that enticed me enough to come here in the first place, and as much fun as it is to stare at her smooth, olive skin, Ialready have aterrible case of blue balls. The thought makes me reach down and anxiously rub at my limp cock with adeep, aggravated sigh.
"Sorry, what?" Ihum and slide my arms through my shirt. My back burns when the material rubs across the new cuts in my skin. At least Iknow she enjoyed herself.
"What is your deal?" she replies snarkily, snapping me out of my thoughts. Irun ahand through my messy hair and pull my phone from the pocket of my jeans. As soon as Iswitch it on, I'mmet with several texts asking about my whereabouts and disappearance.
"You're unbelievable!" she scoffs and shoots aless than terrifying glare my way. She pulls the blanket tighter around her and hurries into the ensuite bathroom, slamming the door behind her.
Well, that makes things easier. Ipull my keys out of my pocket and the cold metal bites into my palm. The nauseating smell of her fruity perfume wafts throughout the house, making me rush to the front door even faster. Islide my sneakers on and fight back the urge to kick myself in the ass for letting my dick get me in trouble again. I'mout the door and in the driver'sseat of my car before my stomach has achance to start swirling with disappointment.
“If you keep dropping your arms like that, I'll gladly bruise up that pretty face, Clay." Clayton takes arisky swing at my chest and Iroll my eyes at his poorly placed move. "C'mon, buddy. You gotta do better than that." Igrab and twist his arm behind his back. Iturn the six-foot ginger around and shove his face into the boxing bag in front of us. Poor guy didn'tstand achance in hell with that sloppy throw.
"Your mouth twitches before every swing. That needs to stop. Anyone who studies you even in the slightest will know your tells. You’ll never win like that. Ever." Imove back astep and lift my arms into position before Inod for him to try again.
His eyes narrow as he bounces on his feet, observing me. Trying to learn my tells. As if Iwould put them on display for him. Less than asecond later, his top lip lifts just the slightest bit, causing mine to lift in agrin. In an instant I’mtucking myself under his right hook and swinging my left arm. Imake contact with his abdomen and the air is pushed from his lungs in araspy wheeze. He clutches his stomach and curls over.
"Fuck you," he coughs while lifting his gaze briefly to me before his eyes slam shut.
"Damn, Iguess Ishould have put my gloves on. My bad." Ishrug carelessly.
"Remind me again why Ican'thave another trainer?" He asks me the question like he doesn’talready know the answer while pushing himself upright again. After afew seconds his grimace slowly evens back out into ascowl.
"Because nobody else wants your whiny ass," Isnicker, walking towards my gym bag and pulling out my gloves. The gold stripes wrapping around the slick black material never fail to make my chest swell with pride. Iworked day and night to afford these babies, and damn are they ever worth it.
"We both know that you just don'twant to get rid of me."
"Yeah." Isnort. "That'sit." Sliding my hands in my gloves, Iclench my fingers and tighten the Velcro strap. Patting both gloves together, Iraise my brow and nod for him to try again. The balls of my feet tap against the concrete floor as Ibounce while keeping my eyes locked on my best friend. He'sfinally got his arms in the correct position, at least, but the tension in his shoulders worries me.
"Drop your shoulders!" Ibark. "You're going to hurt yourself."
"I'mtrying," he snaps but drops his shoulder slightly, most likely to humour me more than anything. Without asecond thought Isend my fist towards him, but stop mid-throw when he drops his arms just enough to expose his face to me.
Iwarned him. Pushing my arm forward again, Ihear aloud smack.
"What the fuck!" he shouts with eyes full of fire as he grabs his now bleeding nose. Ibite back my laugh and shrug.
"It'snot broken. Relax." Igrin to myself and give my head aquick shake. "Itold you that if you dropped your arms again Iwould mess with your pretty face." Iturn away from him and reach into my gym bag, pulling out two towels. After Itoss him the darker coloured one for his gushing nose, Ikeep the lighter one for myself. The sweat covering my bare torso is wiped away quickly as Icrinkle my nose up, throwing the towel back towards my bag once it becomes wet.
"What if you would have broken it?" he groans.
"Then you wouldn'thave dropped your arms next time. Take the pain as alearning experience."
"You were coming for my stomach!"
"It looked like Iwas aiming for your stomach. You would have no idea if that were atrick or not. That'swhy you don'tdrop your arms," Isay with unwavering confidence. I’ve trained to be aboxer nearly my entire life, learned almost everything there is to know about the sport. He needs to gain abit of confidence in me. If my ego weren’tthe size of Texas Iwould have been offended. "Anyways, pizza for dinner?"