Page 12 of Craving the Player
How does he expect me to respect this woman? She has no more life experience than Ido. Does she even want afamily? What is her own family like? Do they support this marriage?
"Braden," he scolds before his jaw clamps shut, back teeth grinding.
Ithrow my hands up in surrender, leaning back against the counter. "I'll come to dinner, but Imake no promises that I’ll be able to behave myself."
"Thank you.” He nods once, but his eyes remain narrowed and dark, moving around the room so he can avoid looking at me. Iknow he didn’tget the answer he wanted, but he’ssmart enough to take what he can get right now. Iwon’tbudge on my feelings so easily.
"It will be my absolute pleasure, Pops." Iforce asmile and push myself away from the counter. After he sucks in along breath, he stands up and starts walking to the front door.
He only makes it afew feet away before he stops and turns to face me, looking me in the eyes this time. "Don'tforget that Ican still kick your ass if you fuck this up for me. You don’tunderstand and you don’thave to. I’magrown man. But Iwould appreciate your support. Whatever you think you can give me, I’ll take it.”
Ifeel immediately guilty at his confession. I’mastubborn asshole, but I’mnot acomplete sack of shit. My relationship with my father is something that Iappreciate more than anything. Iwould never forgive myself if Iwas the reason why we lost that bond. So Istomach my feelings and give him an inch, knowing Brooks Lowry isn’tthe guy to take amile. "I’ll try. But that’sall I’ll promise.”
His eyes lighten the slightest bit, no longer as dark and gloomy. His lips tip when Iplaster agrin on my face. Things have been tense between us recently, but I’ll gladly be the one to clear the fog and let the sunshine back through.
"My house tomorrow night at six. Don'tbe late."
"Yes, sir." Isalute him with two fingers, making him laugh as he leaves. It’saloud laugh from deep in his belly. The kind that sounds like pure happiness. Alaugh that I’mgoing to lock away and keep for later, knowing damn well I’mgoing to need to remember the sound of it tomorrow.