Page 18 of Craving the Player
He slowly raises aglass bottle to his parted lips as he takes alonger than needed drink before setting it back down gently. He starts to trail his eyes down my figure that Iwrapped in atight fitting maroon dress, and my heart begins to thump against my chest bone. His intensity heats my skin, forcing me to cross my legs when afamiliar ache grows between them. Iknow what he'sdoing, staring at me like he wants nothing more than to bend me over this table and have his way with me, and fuck do Iwish that Idon’twant the same thing.
Atwitch in his right eyebrow pulls me back to reality, or close enough to it, as he pulls out his wallet and places astack of cash down on the bar. Braden stands up, confidence dripping from his wide shoulders, and heads for the restroom sign hung above the hallway entrance without asecond look at me.
Squeezing my eyes shut, Iblow out ashuttered breath and slowly spin back around, willing the throb between my legs to disappear before Isoak through my underwear, leaving awet spot on the stool.
"You're going to follow him, aren'tyou?" Sophie asks coyly, nodding to the hallway when Iopen my eyes again.
"Should I?" No, Ishouldn’t. Right? Idon’tthink there’saright answer here.
Sophie rolls her eyes dramatically before waving towards the restrooms. "Yes, you idiot. Go!"
Ican'tfind the words to reply as my head subconsciously moves up and down. "I'll meet you at home? Or maybe not?"
My margarita remains barely touched as Icollect my purse from the back of my chair and beeline it to the bathrooms, not bothering to give Sophie anything more than aquick wave goodbye. Ihave no idea what I'mdoing, going to meet aguy in the bathrooms for aquick fuck, but all Iknow is that if Idon't, Ican'thelp but feel like I'll regret it forever.
My heart beats harder against my ribcage with each step Itake towards the bathroom. Iturn down the hallway, the heels of my shoes sliding along the tiled floor, my stomach tied in knots. Iache to feel the cool metal of the pen in my jacket pocket, my anxiety flashing like acaution sign with the words, turn around written above it in thick black letters. Ican always turn around. Idon't have to do this. But I want to. So damn bad that it makes my knees shake.
The thought of Braden thinking that he’swon something here—that I’mjust like every other female he’slusted over, the ones that run after him, panties around her ankles, thighs slick from her excitement—makes me want to kneel over and vomit. The last thing aguy like Braden needs is another sexual win. But would it be awin? Or would it be something more along the lines of an agreement? Awin for both sides. Iget another mind-numbing orgasm and he gets to add another tic to his win column.
Ishake my head profusely, annoyed with myself for even entertaining this idea. But it’stoo late to turn around now. It’stime to be abig girl, Sierra. Take what you want and stop questioning yourself. Relax.
The hallway rounds and Itake as many deep breaths as Ican before walking into the lion'sden. Isuddenly stop, legs frozen, and swallow the thick lump in my throat. Forming acage with my hands around my mouth, Iblow. Thank God. My breath doesn'tsmell like booze. Iquickly smooth down any stray hairs from the top of my head and smell my armpits before nodding to myself. All clear. Iturn the corner and freeze, mouth dry and neck flushed.
"Took you long enough." Braden'spink lips tilt in alopsided grin, his back against the wall, arms crossed and biceps stretching the tight sleeves of his t-shirt.
"Iwasn'tsure if Iwas going to come." Alie.
"You wanna know something?” He doesn’twait for me to respond before pushing away from the wall and taking two large steps towards me. “It hurt my feelings when you ditched me the other morning. Ihad big, big plans for you.”
Ican’thelp but drop my gaze to the noticeable bulge pressing against the zipper of his jeans, remembering exactly how it felt to have his cock throbbing inside of me. Gulping, Ireply, "Ijust figured that Iwould beat you to it."
"You figured wrong." He closes the distance between us, making my lips part in surprise. His breath is hot on my neck, causing the hairs on my airs to rise. "Iguess you'll just have to make it up to me now."
Igasp when my back hits the wall, his body moving to shield mine as he places his palms on either side of me, boxing me in. He leans forward, his nose rubbing against mine, the smell of him surrounding me. The mixture of leather, spice, and pure masculine energy makes my mouth water, craving to have it as apermanent stain on my skin.
"Somebody could walk down here any minute," Iwhisper, my eyes clouding with lust when they drop to watch his tongue swipe across his plump bottom limp. Iknow that nobody would see me, not with this man covering my tiny body with his giant one, moulding them together into one. And honestly, I’mnot sure if Ieven care if anybody could. Not anymore. My words are acop out. Alame one at that.
"Don'tgo shy on me now, baby. We both know that you're anything but."
The words spark something dormant from deep inside my chest, something that flares into aball of fire, pushing me to make my next move. Iwaste no time in grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him to me, pressing my lips against his. My eyes roll back at the feeling that lights up my veins, pulsing through my body at his rough touch.
His hands are everywhere, yet nowhere close to where Icrave them to be. He nips at my bottom lip, forcing my mouth to open for him before his tongue is trailing along mine, moving in ways that make my core ache with need. God, the things he can do with that tongue—
"Hold on tight." He breaks the kiss for less than asecond as he grabs my thighs, yanking me up as Iwrap them tightly around his waist. The breathy groan that escapes his lips when Ipress myself against the bulge in his tight jeans is enough to send me straight to hell.
Igreedily grab him through the scratchy material, sliding my palm along the hard length. Iwatch with confidence beating in my chest as his eyelids flutter closed, anearly silent sigh touching my lips. My nails trail along the skin above his underwear, making him shiver before Iswiftly pop open the button of his jeans and start toying with the zipper.
Suddenly, he starts walking, eyes now wide open, peeking over my shoulder to guide us towards what Ihope is the bathroom. His lips close over the sensitive skin of my neck, sucking, biting, tasting, leaving atrail of marks behind. My back hits asolid surface for the second time in the past few minutes as he shoves open the door and flips the lock.
The half-rusted, somewhat tiled counter is covered in grime, making me cringe when Braden stops in front of it. Igawk up at him as he debates whether or not to drop me on the dirty surface. With ascowl, Isay, "I'mnot placing my bare ass on that."
Ishake my head, dropping my hand to my sides and wiggling against his body until he loosens his grip enough for me to set my feet on the ground. He watches me place my palm firmly on his chest, his eyebrows raised and something carnal in his eyes.
"We'll have to find another way," Imumble, staring at the bulge in his jeans with an eagerness that surprises me. My clit throbs, tired of waiting. Iclear my throat and move my gaze to his, watching him swallow.
He inspects my body with dark, primal eyes, and Ifeel more confident than Ithink Iever have. The way he’sstaring at me, almost like he’staking mental pictures of what every inch of me looks like in this moment—my skin flushed and body eager—and keeping the images for later, has my throat dry and scratchy. His heated gaze gives me the push Ineed to raise my fingers to the thin straps of my dress and gently slide them down my shoulders, letting the dress pool at my feet.
Iknow the decision to skip abra tonight has paid off when Isee Braden'seyes widen, his surprise evident in his stuttered breathing. It doesn'tlast long, though. Iknew it wouldn’t. He narrows his eyes and stalks towards me with alook so predatory Ifeel my stomach twist and turn. It only takes him two steps to reach me, and when he does, his eyes are so dark with built up sexual tension that Ifight back the urge to jump on him.