Page 27 of Craving the Player

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Page 27 of Craving the Player

Accepting the invitation to openly check her out, Idon'thesitate, slowly moving my eyes up and down her body. She’stall— taller than most women Igo for, but Icouldn’timagine Sierra being any shorter. Ilike that the top of her head meets my chin when Iwhisper dirty things in her ear, and that Idon’thave to bend down so far to kiss her. Her legs are long, which helps them fit perfectly on my shoulders, her heels able to dig effortlessly into my sides while I’meating her out. Why the hell would Iwant to change that?

The more that Ilook at her, the more Ifind myself liking what Isee. That thought alone is enough to break the intensity of my stare and force me to take acautious step back, away from her.

Unable to keep my foot out of my mouth, Itell her, "No, you don’t. But you do fuck like one.”

Her eyes flare, steam practically shooting from her ears and Iknow that I’mabout to get my ass handed to me on asilver platter.

"Fuck you, Braden. You're unbelievable." She doesn'tspare me asecond look before she'sattempting to move around me.

Sidestepping, Istretch my arm out in front of her. She stops in her tracks, staring at me with an icy glare. “Get out of my way before Irip your balls off and shove each one down your throat. Don’tthink that Iwon’tleave you here while you choke on them either. Iwouldn’teven think twice about it.”

Her threat has the opposite effect of what she was hoping for. I’mhard as afucking rock, utterly turned on by her aggression. "I’mconfused, Sierra. Ithought you liked my balls. Especially when they’re hitting your chin while my cock is half-way down your throat.”

She glowers at my arm just long enough for the skin to break out in goosebumps before moving her stare to my face. Ifind myself locked in the middle of astaring match. But Iwon’tbe the one to back down first. My pride doesn'tlike the idea of losing when it comes to anything, let alone something so minuscule.

“Half-way down my throat?” she scoffs, never breaking eye contact. “You give yourself way too much credit.”

“There’sthe Sierra Imet outside Sinners. You’re sexy when you’re pissed.”

She raises adefiant eyebrow and with her chin tipped, leans in just enough that her breath brushes my lips. “Just when I’mpissed?”

Iswallow the remaining distance between us and relish in the heat her body exudes pushed up against mine. My eyebrow twitches with asilent dare. Iwait for her to make the first move. Not because Ihave an issue with being the one to shove her back against the wall, but because Iwould fucking love for her to be the one in control, demanding and taking what she wants from me.

“No,” Ireply, my voice becoming raspy and strained from the unreleased tension building between us. “You’re one of the sexiest women I’ve ever seen. No matter what you say or do.”

Idrag my palm down the wall and slowly move it to the side of her arm. Goosebumps rise on the smooth skin beneath my fingertips. She swallows, bobbing her head slightly before she'sgrabbing the back of my neck and pulling me towards her. Her lips are on mine instantly. It’san urgent, dirty, needy kiss that has me groaning into her mouth with afeeling of relief and utter desire to have more of her. She swallows the sound, our tongues now tangled and my blood pumping in my ears to an off tempo beat.

Her palms move to my chest, laying flat and firm before she'spushing me, my back slamming against the wall. Ismile against her lips when she slides her fingers under the fabric of my shirt and drags them up my skin, touching as much of me as she can, as if she forgot the feel of my body. The air between us crackles, charged with pure sexual frustration. Iwant to take her right here, right now. But I’maware of where we are and who we came here with. It’snot the time or place, regardless of how bad my cock wants to slip inside her hot walls and fuck her until she can’tstand straight.

Deciding that Imight as well take as much as Ican while she’shere, Irelease her mouth and thread my fingers in her hair, moving it away from her face. Astring of muttered words fall between us at the sheer sight of her right now. Lust drunk and frazzled, her eyes are half-lidded, pupils blown, and panted breaths seep from her swollen mouth. Iclench my fingers in her silky hair and take her mouth, rough and hungry. There’snothing gentle about the way Ikiss her, like I’mtrying to somehow own her lips and the way they return the favour just as feverously. Ikiss her like nobody else is here, like we’re alone in the bathroom or inside of my apartment and she does the same, convincing me that it’snot just aone sided feeling. There’san unnatural amount of chemistry between us, and Iplan on taking full advantage of it before it sizzles out and disappears.

Without breaking the kiss, Ispin us around and box her in, letting myself completely consume her space like she has mine. She gasps, head falling back against the wall when Imove my thigh between her legs and untangle my hands from her hair, planting them on her hips.

Iuse my grip to pull her towards me, my thigh becoming engulfed by the heat between her legs. She’ssoaked, Ican feel her beneath my jeans and Igroan. “It’staking everything in me not to fuck you right here, Sierra. Iwant you riding my fingers, coating my hand in your cum before you take every last inch of my cock inside you until you come again. Idon’twant you to be able to walk without feeling the ache between your legs that Icreated. Let me take you home.” It’saneed disguised as aplea, one that Ihope she buys into before Ispend the rest of my day jerking off under cold water to the image of her and everything that Iplan on doing with and to her. She has me in knots, impossible to untie.

Ifeel the frustration and disappointment build to anear point of explosion when her eyes widen, suddenly alert, no longer fogged over. Adeep flush washes out her light freckles when she shoves me away and frantically readjusts the bottom of her dress where it had ridden up. She doesn’tlook at me once while collecting herself with asilent urgency, and it pisses me the fuck off.

"Shit. Shit shit shit." She presses two fingers to her swollen lips, looking as embarrassed as ateenage boy caught by his mom watching porn for the first time. "No. No way. We're in ahallway. Oh my God.” Hands clasp on the top of her head and she begins to pace.

Ipush my hair back and lick my lips, the taste of her mouth still on them. "Relax. Nobody saw anything." Who cares if they did?

"You don'tknow that. Anyone could have walked by." She rushes the words, running shaking hands through her knotted hair in arushed attempt at flattening the bumps. "My boss could have seen! You need to stay away from me. Idon’tthink straight when you get close to me. I’mnot myself around you.”

Itry not to take her words as compliments, but I’ll admit Idon’tquite see the problem with what she’ssaying. "Boss, huh? He probably would have liked to see it. The guy looks like he only knows how to be on the bottom. I'msure he could have taken some notes."

"This isn'tajoke, Braden. Just forget about it. Ihave to go."

Idon’tmake any effort to stop her when she brushes past me. She wouldn’thave stayed regardless and I’mnot about to make afool of myself by attempting to convince her. "Try to keep it in your pants for the rest of the night, yeah?" My tease falls flat.

"Don’tcall me. This was amistake," she mutters before walking away and joining her table again. Ican feel my jaw tighten, ticking with anger at her sudden departure, but Iignore her parting words.

Iwill be calling her. Preferably sooner rather than later. She can count on that.

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