Page 48 of Craving the Player
She doesn’thesitate, whimpering the words that Iwant to hear while gripping my shoulders hard enough to bruise and rubbing herself on the bulge in my jeans. “Ineed it. Please, Braden.”
“That’sagood girl,” Igrowl, sucking hard on her neck before pulling back and crawling on the bed, keeping her tucked beneath me and holding her to my chest as Ido. Only once I’ve moved us to the top of the bed so Irelease her, watching as she falls on the bed, atoothy grin looking up at me. There’sashatter in my chest as she breaks me open again and slithers farther inside the crack, owning me in away that should have me terrified.
Slim fingers begin pushing my shirt up my torso and Iyank it over my head quickly before removing the rest of my clothes. “Take it all off, my little fighter. This is going to be hard and fast. Idon’thave the patience for slow and steady right now. Have to fuck you.” Need to own you like you do me. She does as Isay with lust-blown pupils and swollen lips that have me throwing my head back and praying to God, asking for patience.
As soon as her shirt hits the floor and her bare flesh is right there in front of me, Icurse. “You have the most gorgeous tits.” Isuck arose-tipped nipple into my mouth with amoan, flicking it with my tongue before letting it slip from my lips and blowing on it, watching as it grows needy for me. Ipay the same attention to the other one, but bite down on it gently before pulling back and sucking on the skin beneath her breast, marking it.
She cries out when Ireach down to cup her and feel the smooth, wet skin beneath my palm. “Shit. Jesus Christ. How long have you been this wet, baby? You’re soaking my hand.”
Her head falls back against the pillow and she arches her back, pushing against my hand with atwist of her hips. Islide afinger through her slit and groan as it sinks inside her tight hole with no resistance. With my thumb pressed to her clit she cries out and Islide in asecond finger, jack knifing them when Ifeel her begin to quiver around them. Desperate noises spill from her pretty mouth as she grinds against my fingers, needing release. But Ionly plan on having her come around my cock tonight. Not my fingers and not my tongue. She can soak my face in her cum when Itake her again later. Ineed to feel all of her right now.
She sobs with frustration when Islide my hand from her pussy and grip myself with it instead, using her wetness to cover the throbbing length. Igive my shaft acouple hard pulls as Iwatch her catch her breath, thighs spread wide to reveal glistening pink flesh.
The tightness in my spine lets me know that Iwon’tbe lasting long tonight, so Idon’twait anymore time before rearing back and burying myself deep inside of her, feeling fingernails rip into my back as Sierra cries out with the sudden fullness. Ireach up and grab the headboard, squeezing my eyes shut when Ithrust into her again, cursing under my breath as she tightens around me like afucking fist. I’mbarely holding on as Ithrust ruthlessly, slapping my hand on the headboard over and over again.
“Braden!” she cries as she comes quivering around me, scratching at me like an animal. Grabbing the back of my neck and tilting my head down, she forces me to watch her fall apart. The unguarded affection in her silver eyes has apiece of me shattering, crumbling into apile of dust laid at her feet as Ifall right there with her. Igrab both of her hands from around my neck, sliding them down my skin and dropping to my elbows before intertwining our fingers together beside her head. My thrusts become sloppy and Ishoot deep inside of her with amangled grunt. Our chests rise together rapidly, both of us falling into adark, dangerous pit that Idon’tever want to crawl out of.
Icollapse on top of her with her name on my lips.
Where it belongs.
Aclang sounds from the kitchen, jolting me awake.
The bed is cold, hauntingly so as Inotice the other half of my blankets are pulled up and tucked under the barren pillow. The unmistakable scent of Braden still lingers on the sheets, providing athick sense of comfort that Ididn’tknow Ineeded.
Standing up with the comforter wrapped around my naked body, Isuck in asharp breath at the sharp pain between my legs and carefully walk—or waddle, more like it—to my closed bedroom door. With my heart thumping nervously, Islowly twist the knob and pull the door open an inch.
Ashirtless Braden stands fumbling with the frying pan Isee resting on the stove. Ican hear the quiet grumbles of afew incoherent words as he slides aflipper under afrying egg and attempts to flip it.
Agirly giggle that Ihardly recognize slips through my grin, catching his attention as he jumps back from the oven. He spins around on his sock-covered feet wearing anervous expression on his handsome face that Ifind utterly adorable. My grin doesn’tdare falter as Iopen the door fully and walk towards him.
“Did Iwake you up? Shit. Itried to be quiet,” he rambles, atinge of red moving up his neck.
Woah, is the great and mighty Braden Lowry blushing? At something that Isaid? Idon’tknow what universe Iwoke up in, but Idon’tthink that Iever want to leave.
“Nah, Iwas already up,” Ilie—pretty convincingly, if Imight add.
He pushes out asigh, clearly not believing me, but drops it regardless. “Are you hungry?”
The fire alarm begins blaring through my apartment, no doubt waking up my neighbours, but Icould care less. Icatch sight of the large puffs of grey smoke floating behind Braden’sbroad shoulders and rush past him. Asmall flame singes the corner of ahand towel, one that he has left resting directly on the burner. Iburst out laughing before Ican stop myself.
“Were you planning on serving me this for breakfast?” Iask, quickly grabbing hold of the burning cloth before dumping it in the kitchen sink and turning the tap on. After the flames are extinguished, leaving nothing more than burnt fabric behind, Ispin around to see Braden’srigid figure, waves of annoyance radiating from his shoulders and ascowl on his mouth.
“And now I’mnever cooking again.”
“If that’show you cook, then Imust agree with that brilliant idea.” Igiggle again, asense of happiness falling over us and filling my belly with warmth.
“You didn’thave any toaster waffles or Iwould have just made those.”
“It’sokay, Braden. Everybody has flaws,” Itease, loving the way his eyes narrow at my subtle insult. Ikiss away his pout.
“Careful, Sierra. Don’ttest me when I’mtired,” he replies slyly, pulling me back to his chest and holding me when Igo to step back.
Idon’treally mind being held so tightly to this strong man, especially after the sweet gesture he just made, so Icuddle into him closer, pressing my cheek to his chest. “When did you get up, anyway? It’sstill really early.”
“Icouldn’treally sleep. Too much on my mind.”