Page 6 of Craving the Player
“No.” Isigh out, long and hard. As much as Iwould love to have those tits smother my face all night, I’mnot about to lie to get her in bed. That seems to be more Ethan’sstyle than mine.
She stands silent for amoment as she processes my blunt answer. If she were smart, she would turn around and run straight for the hills. Remembering names isn’treally my specialty, among other things.
“Fuck you,” she spits, dropping her hand from my arm and stalking off.
You almost did, sweetheart.
Ileave the bar again and start walking towards the little lit-up bathroom sign across the dance floor. Ikeep my back rigid as Imove around the sweaty bodies, desperately avoiding the couple close to filming adamn porno beside me before I’mstumbling into the back of someone, an uncomfortable groan spilling between us as an elbow hits my spine.
My jaw tightens as Iturn around to yell at whoever shoved me, only to see the back of ashort guy as he pushes through the crowd, away from me. What adamn pussy. With ascowl, Imove to head back in the direction of the bathroom when something firm pushes into my crotch, moving in slow circles against me as my eyes go wide. The owner of the plump ass grinding against me does so rhythmically, matching the deep pulse of the song pounding around us, but doesn’tseem to notice me until my hands fly down to grab her wide hips.
Throwing all caution to the wind, Iyank the girl closer to me, pressing my front to her back and let my fingers dig into her hip bones. The smooth material of her black, strappy dress sticks to her body like asecond skin, leaving nothing, yet far too much to my imagination as Ilet my eyes trail over the smooth, freckled skin of her shoulders.
Idrop my head and brush the top of her ear with my nose, flooding her senses with my hot breath. “You’re bold, rubbing against me like we’ve known each other for years.”
“Maybe we have,” she replies breathlessly, her words saturated in mystery and spoken with aseductive rasp that has lust fogging my mind. Reaching back, she scratches her nails up my arms before gripping onto my bicep and squeezing, pulling me tighter against her until there’sno doubt in my mind that she can feel every pulsing inch of me pressed against her ass.
Imove my hands to her exposed shoulders and trace the thin strap resting on her collarbone. She leans back against me and rests her head against my chest, swaying side to side with the music. Her hair is soft, so fucking soft as Ipush it off her shoulder and bare her neck. Arich mix of cinnamon and orange penetrates my senses, making my mouth water with the need to drag my tongue over her pulse point and taste every inch of her. Athought that should seem ridiculous, considering Idon’teven know her name.
“Iwould have remembered abody like yours,” Imumble and spin her around to face me. My breath catches in my throat when the same silver eyes from outside fall on me, this time half hidden by her droopy lids and thick eyelashes. Iswallow my groan. “Or maybe Ididn’t.”
Her eyes don’twaver from surprise—not like mine. Instead, she presses her hands against my chest, fingers spread wide. Ican’thelp but wonder if she recognizes me. If she does, Iwould assume from the attitude she had outside that she wouldn’tbe letting herself touch me or vice versa. But she is. And Iwould be lying if Isaid Iwasn’thoping that she remembers exactly who Iam.
As she keeps her palms flush against my stiff abdominal muscles, Ifeel my brows raise, intrigued and unbearably captivated by the stunning siren in front of me. Her eyes fall when her touch begins moving up my chest, and heat engulfs my groin as she watches her own movements. She scratches at my t-shirt with white-tipped nails, exploring my chest, moving her hands over my pecs and to my collarbone before eventually wrapping her hands around the back of my neck, fingers looping aggressively in my hair. Her eyes raise to meet mine again. She oozes confidence, and Ican feel my underwear stick to the moisture collecting on the tip of my dick.
“Is your offer still available?” she mumbles as Idrop ahand to her ass and inwardly groan with approval when firm skin meets my palm. “Will you take me home and let me show you just how sassy Ican be?”
The slightest flicker of mischief flashes in her eyes before it’sgone again. Sierra remembers who Iam, and Iplan on never letting her fucking forget.
“Any fucking day, gorgeous. Let’sgo,” Iwhisper in her ear. That’sall she needs to hear before she grabs my hand and pulls me quickly through the dance floor. Iwatch her with wide eyes and an aching hard-on as we reach the front doors in what seems like no time.
The chilly air nips at our skin, and Iuse it as an excuse to pull her tight to my side. Ipush us away from the not-so-subtle bystanders still waiting in line and towards ayellow cab waiting along the curb. Throwing open the door, Ilet her climb in first before Islide in after and pull her onto my lap, pelvis to pelvis.
“42 Clanmore Street,” Ishoot at the driver before placing my hand behind her neck and pulling her to me, pressing our lips together in akiss I’msure I’ll still be feeling in the morning.