Page 65 of Craving the Player
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Holy. Shit.
Idon’tknow whether to get down on my knees for this man right here in my apartment hallway or throw myself at him, knowing that he’ll catch me without hesitation. The way my heart thumps so rapidly against my chest bone is terrifying, but Irevel in it. Heated amber eyes burn into my skin as he looks me up and down, striking amatch to the arousal in my blood and setting my insides on fire.
My stare carries the same intensity as his, if the groan that rumbles in his chest is anything to go by. Iache to reach out and touch him, but force my hands to stay by my sides as Isoak in the model-worthy image in front of me.
Anavy blue suit jacket stretches across his shoulders, and the top three buttons of his white dress shirt are unbuttoned in that sexy “Idon’tcare” way. His thick thighs push the boundaries of his slacks, and Ibegin to wonder if they would rip if he bent down. Giant biceps swell within the tight restraints of his suit jacket when he places two hands on the doorframe above me, swallowing the space between us.
Moving my gaze, Istare at the hands gripping the doorframe and swallow, feeling my underwear grow damp. The veins in his hands seem more prominent to me tonight, thicker, sexier even. An array of simple black rings are placed neatly on three of his five knuckles. It’sadifferent look for Braden than I’mused to, but Iwould be lying if Isaid that it wasn’tcurious as to how the cold metal would feel pressed up against my center while he was finger deep inside of me.
His hips push against me and for the first time tonight, Imeet his stare. My lips part at how softly he’slooking at me, like he wasn’tjust eye-fucking me asecond ago. It brings achill to my skin, and Ishiver against his chest. If there wasn’tafamiliar hardness pressing against my stomach, Iwould have assumed that Iimagined the past few minutes.
“Maybe we don’thave to go to this wedding after all.” His words are gruff, raspy and thick with need. My eyes widen briefly before Ismile, cheeks stained pink.
“Would you prefer that Ichange?”
Ihear alow chuckle and warm breath fans my face as he moves closer until short beard hairs scratch the underside of my jaw. One hand moves from the door frame to settle on my hip, the heat from his palm soaking through my dress, warming my skin.
Isuck in abreath, my eyelashes fluttering against my cheeks when he rubs his nose against the beating skin of my neck, nipping at it gently before darting his tongue to the sore skin, lapping at it with agroan that falls between my legs. He backs away too soon, and afinger is placed under my chin, tilting it upward until our eyes meet again.
Braden softly mumbles his next words as if he isn’tsure of them. As if he doesn’tunderstand them himself. “The dress is perfect. You look perfect.”
Ifind myself lost in the way he looks at me—like I’m his. Like he’dtear apart anyone who tried to come between us. My heart swells to ten times its size and calls out to him, desperate for more of his attention.
And just like that, both of his hands touch me, one palming my hip, burning ahole through my dress while the other plays with the thin strap on my shoulder, his thumb slipping beneath it and rubbing slow circles into my skin. He licks his bottom lip and tilts his head to the side. “Ijust don’tknow if Iwant anybody else to see you like this. Iwant this to be for me and only me.”
“It is all for you.” My breath catches in my throat when his hand moves up my side, cupping the side of my breast and squeezing. “Thank you. For the compliment. Iwish Iwould have known that you had ablue suit because Iwould have gotten ablue dress. But Iguess adress is adress, right?” My cheeks flame with embarrassment, nerves sizzling under my skin.
“Relax,” Braden sighs, the simple word skipping across my mouth. He’sright there, so close that Ican taste the bubblegum he must have chewed on the way here. My nipples harden and push through the tight material of my dress. Iarch my back so they brush his chest, whimpering from the contact when they do, but needing more.
Braden shifts the hand massaging the side of my breast to grip the full weight of it. “Tell me, baby. Did you skip the bra on purpose? Were you hoping that Iwouldn'tbe able to keep my hands off of your perfect tits?” He squeezes the heavy breast in his hand before dragging his thumb across the nipple. “That Iwould have to have ataste before Iparaded you around, letting other men see how fucking amazing you look in this dress?”
My knees threaten to buckle, his words like azap to my swollen clit. Iopen my mouth but no words come out. Itry again, but cry out immediately when the top of my dress is yanked down and my nipple is sucked between Braden’slips. His tongue moves in slow, teasing strokes before flicking at it. He feasts on the sobs that follow every strong suck, and groans in approval when Iwind my fingers in his hair, pulling every time his teeth brush the sensitive tip.
His mouth leaves my skin with a pop and Igasp at the sudden coldness that envelopes my wet breast. “We can go inside,” Imutter, almost adding aplease before Ithink better of it.
The grin that spreads across his face is evil, maniacal even. “No, my little fighter. From now until the end of the night, I’mgoing to be a perfect gentleman, and you’re going to keep those soaked panties on so that you remember exactly who you’re coming home with tonight. Ican’thave you forgetting who it was that made that pussy so wet, now can I?” He clicks his tongue to the roof of his mouth and winks.
Iblink twice, wishing that Iwas more angry with this show of possession that Ireally am. But no. Instead, my panties only become more damp, causing them to stick to the slick flesh beneath them.
Pushing up on my toes, Igrab his jacket by the lapels and gently press my lips to his. He responds quickly, like Iknew he would, but only with alight caress of his mouth, nothing more. Asigh escapes me at the sudden change in tempo. Ipull him closer, just needing to feel his body against mine, and grin into the kiss when he does the same, palming my cheeks in those big hands, making me feel dainty and small.
If only he knew just how much of me he really did hold in his hands, all of it so easily breakable.
We break apart after afew more seconds, my breath escaping in one big puff while he simply laughs, eyes bright and sparkling with mischief. “My, my, Sierra. Are you trying to trick me into breaking my own rules and having my way with you in this hallway? Who knew you were so naughty.”
“You say it as if it’sabad thing,” Itease, dropping my hands with astep backward.
“It couldn’tbe farther from abad thing, sweetheart,” he says while Igrab my clutch from inside and lock the door. When Ireturn, Braden extends his elbow towards me and Itake it, letting him guide us outside and into his car.
It’snot exactly ahorse drawn carriage, and I’mnot wearing glass slippers or adress made just for me by my fairy Godmother, but the man on my arm could very well be my Prince Charming.
Braden and Ihave just walked hand-in-hand through awide, pink daisy covered archway when Ihear acheerful, vibrant voice yell, “Well if it isn’tmy handsome brother-in-law!”
The welcome comes from apetite blonde with agorgeous sparkling silver, knee-length, strapless dress fitted tightly to her slim figure. As she hurries towards us from inside the ballroom, Inotice Braden’sbrother, Tyler, following closely behind her, his head shaking as he watches her.