Page 84 of Craving the Player
Sierra, Three Weeks Later.
“See you tomorrow, Sierra!”
Spinning on my heel, Istop and throw awave at our sweet-as-honey receptionist, my lips forming agenuine smile.
“Have agood night, Gretchen,” Ireply, laughing lightly when she throws me awink and nods, her tightly bound red curls bouncing around her head.
I’ve grown to care for the outgoing red-head over the past three weeks, although it’sbeen seriously hard not to. Her charismatic energy and warm smile always give me the warm and fuzzies. It’salso been awesome having someone to talk about TV dramas with on slow days. It helps with how much Imiss Sophie and my sister.
With apep in my step, Ipull my knee-length coat tighter across my chest and continue walking through the office building, giving the security guard asmile when he pushes open the door for me.
The smell of fresh garlic bread makes my mouth water the second my heels connect with the pavement, courtesy of the small Mom and Pop Italian restaurant afew buildings down. As if on atimer, my stomach growls, reminding me that Iforgot to plan dinner tonight. Igroan, fully aware of the extra weight I’ve packed on since moving to Toronto.
Pizza again it is. Or maybe Chinese. Eh, either work. Stay focused, Sierra.
There’sstill no snow on the ground yet and the temperature isn’ttoo low, so Ican walk to and from work without getting too cold. I’mgrateful for the moderate weather. Ican’teven imagine the nightmare it would be trying to find parking outside of our downtown office every morning. Plus, Ireally like walking to and from work. It gives me some much-needed time to relax after abusy day.
The only downside to walking everywhere every day is having the giant Toronto crowds of businessmen and women, bikers, and impatient teens all trying to do the same thing, pushing past you as if you’re invisible. Which Iguess to them, you are. It’snot always so bad, but some days Ithink Imight prefer the struggle of trying to find aparking stall. Emphasis on some days.
Agrateful smile pulls on my slightly wind-bitten cheeks when Icome up to the obscenely tall, forty-story condominium. Ifiddle with the keyring in the pocket of my jacket, pulling out my fob and unlocking the doors before walking inside.
After greeting the concierge, Iget into the empty elevator, and lean my head against the wall, closing my eyes as exhaustion washes over me. The ride up to my floor is alengthy one, and Isometimes debate whether or not apower nap on the way could be warranted. The idea is quickly shot down when Iimagine stopping to pick someone up on the way and being seen with drool running down my jaw.
My phone starts vibrating in my pocket, and my heart soars when Ipull it out and see Sophie’sname flashing across the screen.
“Hello, gorgeous,” Ising. It’sonly been two days since I’ve spoken to my best friend, but in my opinion, that’stwo days too long. It’sbeen hard adjusting to the distance, especially when Ifirst moved here, but every day gets abit easier.
“Hey, baby cakes. Did Icatch you at an alright time? Are you on your way home?”
“Yep. I’min the elevator. I’msurprised there’senough service here to talk, actually.”
She laughs, the sound awfully nostalgic. “That’swhat you get when your rent is more than what Imake in amonth.”
“How is work going? Have the kids driven you insane yet?”
Aweek after Ileft, Sophie got ajob teaching kindergarten at her old elementary school. The previous teacher had quit midway through October, and they had been in the middle of looking for areplacement when Sophie’sresume came up. This is the first steady job that she’shad since we graduated, and Icouldn’tbe happier for her.
“Ihad one kid throw aused kleenex at me yesterday, but other than that it’sbeen really great.”
“Good, Soph. That’s really good.” Itoy with the ends of my hair. “Have you seen Clayton lately?”
She sucks in asharp breath. “Yeah. But what you really want to know is if I’ve seen his roommate, right?”
Ichew on the inside of my cheek. Yeah, that’sexactly what Iwant to know. But Idon’tever ask directly. Just the sound of his name has tears welling in my eyes. Even after not seeing him for three weeks, his name remains branded in my soul.
“Ihaven’tseen him in aweek, S. Clay told me that he moved out of the apartment.”
Istand still, frozen in time. Ihate the way my heartbeat skyrockets, imagining all the reasons as to why he would have done that. But Ishut down all of the what ifs before they grow into something too big and hopeful.
“Oh,” Imutter, watching each floor the elevator passes light up in front of me.
Several voices are muffled through the phone before Sophie rambles, “I’msorry to cut our convo short but Ihave to go! Call me soon! Love you.” she hangs up before Ianswer her.
The dull sound of the dial tone leaves abad taste in my mouth. Her swift dismissal after dropping such abomb on me confuses and hurts me at the same time. It’snot like Sophie to leave like that.
Afew seconds later the familiar ding rings through the air and Ihurry through the opening metal doors. The entire journey towards my condo is spent avoiding my thoughts and picking at the skin beside my nails to keep busy. It’saquick walk, but when Ireach the door, it feels like I’ve been walking forever.