Page 9 of Craving the Player
Chapter Five
I'mpulled out of dreamland only to have bright sunlight burn through my eyes, piercing into my skull. As if the tequila headache wasn’tenough, the nausea swirling in my belly definitely is.
Athick, ink-covered arm weighs down my chest as Itry to focus on the now, not the before when Iwas gulping back alcohol like water after amarathon and shaking my ass on anyone within arms reach. Letting out ashaky sigh of regret, Itrail my eyes up the arm and try desperately to ignore the pulse between my legs that thumps like araced heartbeat when my heavy eyes fall on the deep purple bruises covering Braden’sthroat. Damnitt, Sierra. Hickeys? Are we sixteen?
The memories of last night come flooding through my head, making it pound hard enough that Ibegin rubbing my temples in search of relief.
Getting drunk was not apart of my plan last night. But neither was coming home with aguy who reeks of broken hearts and probably has anauseating number of nudes in his camera roll. Iwant to hate myself for being weak enough to throw myself at by far the hottest guy Ithink I’ve ever seen, but I’mfar too prideful to look past the fact that Iactually got him to sleep with me in the first place to follow through with the self-hatred.
Isqueeze my eyes shut and try to come up with aplan. There'sno way that I'mstaying here to deal with his no-doubt typical morning-after speech, so Iguess that only leaves me with one viable option: disappear before he has achance to rip my self-confidence to shreds. Ialready feel disgusted enough by my actions. The last thing Ineed to deal with is his cocky, pussy wetting arrogance on top of it.
What happened last night, Iknow that that'snot me. I'mnot the type of girl who drops her panties for the hottest guy that comes up to her at aclub. I’mnormally too chicken-shit to do anything like that. But last night, Iwas. Iwas the girl that other girls whisper about, watching her make atotal fool out of herself by falling all over aguy who won’tremember her in the morning. And as much as Iwould love to blame it on the heart-crunching pain Ifelt watching my ex-boyfriend push the girl he cheated on me with up against the back door of said club, Iknow that it goes far beyond that.
Braden jostles beside me, pushing the blankets down subconsciously and exposing the hauntingly mesmerizing eight pack to my greedy eyes. Ican almost feel his gentle touch running along my body before Imentally curse myself out. No. Just no.
Eying the room, Ispot my dress lying across his dresser, my panties somehow looped around the bedroom door handle, and both shoes lying on opposite sides of the small room. He doesn'tlack finesse, that'sfor sure. Or maybe that was all me. At this point, Ican’tbe sure. Iseemed to have become adifferent person last night. One with no inhibition or fears. Just apair of wet panties and aone track mind focused solely on the giant God of aman rubbing against me and dancing along to athumping beat without tripping over myself.
Iwant to shove my palm against my forehead at the memory of the arrogant dick parading around outside of the club like he owned the damn place before eyeing me up like acat to acanary. My anger grows into afull blown punching attack in my gut when Iremember how riled up it made me to have that same man pressing his dick against my ass on the dance floor, and how quickly Ihad fallen under his lust trap. Jesus, Sierra. Iwasted no time in practically dry humping him on the way outside and letting him do all sorts of things to me in acab. A cab! Heat crawls up my neck and Ichomp down on the inside of my cheek to keep from grumbling self-deprecating insults under my breath.
Iuse my free hand to peel Braden’sfingers from my skin and inhale sharply when his arm topples towards the mattress. He doesn’tstir any further, just mumbles something incoherent under his breath and buries his head further into his black pillow case.
Islip from underneath the covers and sigh as the heat that was once suffocating my body is replaced with alight, cold breeze flowing in from the slightly cracked window across the room. Icollect my clothes and get dressed quickly, not attempting to hide my shame as Ifist the straps of my shoes and open the door. Softly shutting the creaky wood behind me, Iwait for the small click and drop my hand.
"Made it," Iwhisper, relieved.
"Ah, you must be the owner of the voice Ihad the pleasure of hearing all night long," arough voice chides from behind me. There’snot even ahint of annoyance in the statement, only utter amusement. Igrow confused.
Ispin around and gasp, asweaty palm moving to rest against my throat. My shoes fall to the floor before bouncing afew feet away from me and stopping with a clunk. The smug look covering the man’simpressively well-carved features is not enough to hide his shit attitude as he eyes me curiously. His low riding boxer shorts remain the only piece of clothing covering his tan skin as he crosses his arms and lifts athick, confident brow.
My cheeks heat in an instant and Idistract myself by collecting my shoes again before Ipull my dirty dress down as far as Ican stretch it, not wanting to flash him. "Uh, yeah. Iwas just leaving.” My words are rushed and almost . . . squeaky? Inearly sprint to the front door.
"You're not going to tell me your name at least? Ithink you owe me that after you kept me from receiving my proper beauty sleep. Now look at me, my looks are faded,” he teases with an exaggerated pout. Alarge hand runs down his obvious six-pack. He’snot as muscular as Braden, but Iwould have been attracted to him regardless. He’sahandsome guy.
"Are you brothers or something?" Iask, not sure why I’minterested. Would it matter if they were?
"Hell no. Not in the ethical sense, at least. I'mClayton, your bed buddy’sbetter looking best friend,” he says, shoulders pulled back and mouth quirked.
"Clayton and Braden, clever," Isnort. Half squatting, half bending, Iput on my shoes.
"Definitely," he replies, leaning back against the kitchen counter. "So, your name?"
"Why does it matter? You'll never see me again."
"Just curious.” He shrugs, openly checking me out. Iwant to reach down and cover my breasts, knowing how open they are for viewing in this dress, but he looks away before Ihave the chance. Ilet out abreath Ididn’tknow Iwas holding.
"Sierra." Iroll my eyes. "Now, can Ileave?"
"Sierra, right. Iheard that afew times last night."
Inarrow my eyes and place my hand on the doorknob, squeezing. "You knew? Then why bother asking in the first place?"
"Double checking," he chuckles, adimpled smile beaming back at me.
"Great," Igroan. "Well, if there isn’tanything else, I’ll be leaving."
"See ya, sweetheart." He waves me off with amock salute before I'mwalking out the door.