Page 16 of Between Periods
I rapmy knuckles on Adam’s hotel room door and wait.
There’s loud shuffling from inside before the door is whipped open a second later. Adam is naked aside from a small towel tied around his waist. Not one to get shy, he doesn’t seem at all bothered by his nakedness. He leans confidently in the doorway and stares at me.
Running his fingers through his wet hair, he says, “Morning, Lee. What can I do for you?”
A thickly accented voice calls out his name from inside the room, and I cock a brow. “You entertaining back there?”
He grins. “Mhm. It’s a sold-out show, though, man. Better luck next time.”
I snort a laugh. “My loss.” The woman calls his name a second time, and I try to sneak a peek over his shoulder. Adam sidesteps me and shoves me back. “What’s her name?”
“Now, why would I tell you that?”
“Right, so you don’t know it, then.”
“In my defense, we weren’t really all about introductions last night,” Adam rushes out. I laugh, and he continues. “How about we skip the rest of this conversation altogether so that I can get back to my guest.”
He tries to shut the door in my face, but I stop it with my foot. “Not so fast. Ava sent me here to ask if you were up for a Sea-Doo ride today.”
“She couldn’t have texted me that?”
“She did. And FaceTimed you three times.”
He looks over his shoulder as if in search of his phone before getting distracted. I immediately want to turn and leave when he lifts his fist to his mouth and groans.
“I was occupied,” he mumbles.
I shake my head and laugh. “Clearly. I’ll let Ava know that we will see you after.”
He blinks, shaking himself out of his haze, and turns to me with an appreciative smile. “Thanks, Lee. I’ll make it up to her tomorrow.”
I give him a pointed stare. “You better. It won’t be me that comes to ride your ass if you don’t.”
If there’s anyone who can put Adam on his ass, it’s Ava. She’s one of the only people on this Earth he would do anything for. That once scared me, but now in a sense, it calms me. It’s nice knowing there will always be someone besides me who will do anything to take care of her. I’m just happy that his protectiveness stems from friendship and not romantic feelings anymore.
I guarantee we wouldn’t be standing here talking like best buddies if I thought the opposite.
“You have my word. Don’t forget sunscreen, yeah?”
“As if. You know how Ava is about preparation. She had already gone through our beach bag twice before I left to track your ass down.”
Adam smiles. “Good point.”
“Adaaaaam,” his female companion coos. “La cama se está enfriando.”
I look at Adam expectantly. “What did she say?”
He shrugs. “No clue. But I’m going to go try and find out. Thanks for dropping by.”
Rolling my eyes, I step back and let him close the door.
Gracie’s room is only two doors down from Adam’s, so I go there next. It’s not unusual for my sister to sleep in to ungodly afternoon hours, or to just ignore texts, so I wasn’t surprised when Ava told me she hadn’t answered her either this morning.
Come to think of it, it’s not a shock that none of our friends answered their phones this morning. Tyler is known to avoid human contact most days, and a vacation wouldn’t change that. If anything, I think it’s made his introvert ways even more prominent.