Page 12 of Vital Blindside
“I wasn’t just referring to your injury.”
“Right.” He clears his throat. “I love being home more, obviously. Being on the road so often was something I hated more than anything. But I fucking miss playing, man.”
It’s hard to keep the sympathy I feel tucked away and out of sight. The last thing Oakley wants is for us to feel sorry for him, but I can’t help it. I was sitting right here on this couch with Ava and the kids, watching Oakley play his last professional hockey game before anyone even knew that’s what it was. Including the man himself.
One bad hit and his mind was made up. He wasn’t going to go back after he healed.
“I would be concerned if you didn’t miss it. You’ve been playing hockey for almost two decades. But if you’re doubting whether you made the right decision, I would say that you did. Those kids out there love having you home, and I think Ava does even more.”
He nods once, twice, and then grabs my shoulder, squeezing it hard. “You’re right. Thank you.”
I pat his hand. “Don’t gotta thank me, Lee.”
There’s a loud cough from the kitchen entry, and I look over to find Tyler smirking at us. He folds his arms across his chest, and a dainty hand slithers up over his shoulder. His wife, Gracie, slips around him and snuggles into his side.
“Don’t mind us,” Tyler says. “We just got tired of waiting for you to stop gossiping and join the rest of us.”
Gracie scowls at him before looking back at me with warm eyes. “What he meant to say is that we’re happy to see you, Adam. I, for one, was not surprised to find you fashionably late.”
“Long day at the office,” I say. Gracie parts from Tyler and moves toward me, arms held open. When she reaches me, she gives me a half hug from my spot on the couch and hums her understanding.
She runs a non-profit dance studio for children whose parents can’t afford to spend thousands of dollars a year on lessons. If there’s anyone who understands the struggles of working in an office well after closing hours, it’s Gracie.
“Sounds about right,” Tyler says sympathetically. “Anything going on?”
“No. Just busy with the preparations for next season. I hired a new trainer yesterday, though, so hopefully it’ll be smoother sailing from here.”
“Oh! Is it anyone we would know?” Gracie asks, pulling out of the hug and walking back over to her husband. He collects her beneath his arm and brings her to rest against his front.
“You could say that.”
Curiosity lights up her eyes. “I’m going to need a bit more than that.”
“I’m not sure how I managed it, but I wrangled Scarlett Carter into working for me.”
Oakley coughs into his fist while Gracie gives me a confused look.
“Should I know who that is?” she asks.
Tyler rubs his hands up and down her arms, murmuring, “She won an Olympic medal with Team Canada’s women’s hockey team in 2018, princess.”
Gracie’s jaw drops.
“She was injured, though, pretty badly from what I remember hearing. Wasn’t she?” Oakley asks me. He’s recovered from his coughing fit and looks more curious than anything now.
I wince and nod. “Tore her shoulder. She recently moved back home.”
“How does her recovery look?” Tyler asks.
There have only been a handful of times when I have refused to share something with my best friends, but this is one of them. If I learned anything about Scarlett after talking with her yesterday, it’s that she isn’t one to share things with people she doesn’t know. I have to respect that.
“She’s doing alright” is what I choose to say. It’s not technically a lie.
“Well, I want to meet her. She’s got to be a total badass,” Gracie chimes in. “Oh! Invite her to my birthday party!”
I blink slowly. My automatic response is to say no, but I know that won’t slide with Gray. Luckily, Oakley must notice my silent panic because he steps in to help.
“Who knows if she’ll even stay around that long. Adam is a hard-ass at work.” Or not. I scowl.