Page 36 of Vital Blindside
I clear that thought from my head when Cooper comes running back down the aisle, his arms full of ice cream. Catching his breath, he drops both containers into their cart.
“Quick enough?” he asks Adam.
His dad chuckles and ruffles the top of his head. “Yeah, buddy.”
“Oh dear, is that the time?” Mom gasps. She has her watch lifted to about an inch from her face. “If I don’t get started on this lasagna quick, we won’t be eating until tomorrow morning.”
Relieved that I’m being handed an out, I say, “You’re right. We should head out now.”
“I hate to cut this chat short, but my daughter is right. It was lovely to see you two again and just as nice to meet you . . .” She trails off.
My shoulders drop immediately as I release a shaky breath. I reach for her hand and squeeze it tight, wishing I could push my memories through the embrace.
“Beth,” Beth blurts out. Confusion flashes across her face before it’s gone again. “It was great to meet you, Amelia.”
Mom smiles, but it doesn’t reach her eyes. “Right. Yes.”
Surprise slams into me when Adam walks toward us and grabs both of my mom’s hands, including the one I’m currently squeezing too tightly. Tingles erupt at the point of contact, but it’s hard to focus on them when his thumb runs over my skin in long, soothing strokes.
He focuses on my mom with a soft expression. There’s no sign of pity or judgment anywhere on his face. My heart rattles my rib cage.
“I look forward to seeing and chatting with you again soon, Amelia. You’ll have to let me know how your lasagna turns out.” He winks, making Mom blush.
“I’ll do one better. Scarlett can bring some on Monday for you and Cooper,” she exclaims.
Adam grins. “We would love that. Thank you.”
The hand covering mine squeezes once more before moving away. I instantly miss the contact.
“I’ll see you on Monday, Scary Spice. Enjoy your weekend.”
My reply is far too breathy. “Yeah, see you.”
He doesn’t move immediately but instead parts his lips like he wants to say something else. I hold his stare and realize I’ve been leaning forward on my toes. What the?
A subtle shake of his head is all I get before he’s turning back to his family. I fall back to my heels and swallow thickly.
Beth looks between Adam and me with a silent question that goes unanswered before she and Cooper quickly say their goodbyes. They spin their cart around and head down the aisle. Adam places a hand on Cooper’s shoulder, and my chest tightens.
“I quite enjoy their company,” Mom says once they’ve cleared our line of sight.
My phone vibrates in my pocket as I nod in agreement. Pulling it out, I read the message on the screen and don’t bother fighting the tug of my lips.
Adam White: In case you were wondering, my soul feels a lot better after seeing you.
Despite Cooper’s earlier doubts, our chicken casserole is coming together quite well.
I might have had quite the learning curve when it came to cooking once Cooper came into my life, considering I was never taught how to cook a single thing in my entire life and wasn’t at all interested in teaching myself, but ten years later, I’m not half-bad.
At least that’s what I’m told. The jury is still out on whether that’s the truth or a little white lie to make me feel better.
Spaghetti, tacos, and barbecued burgers are the only three things I’ve successfully mastered, so to speak, but it’s better than the cold hot dogs and cereal I started with.
Cooper sidles up beside me and eyes the dish full of layered chicken, rice, and broccoli with suspicion. I set the brick of cheese I was shredding on the counter and push a few curls out of his face.