Page 98 of Vital Blindside
Scarlett slides up next to me and grabs my hand, placing it on her stomach, and I stare at her with an outpouring amount of love, tempted to convince her to go with me to city hall right now.
It’s not until she shakes her head and grins that I grow confused. My jaw falls open when she leans up on her tiptoes and whispers two words in my ear, blindsiding me.
“I’m pregnant.”
I graduated high school today, so I guess that kind of makes me an adult now. Or maybe not. I definitely don’t feel like one, nor do I think I want to.
The beer in my hand is cold but tastes like a troll’s morning piss, so I dump it down the kitchen drain and grab a blue Gatorade from the fridge instead.
The house is loud, crowded, and hot despite the air conditioning blowing on full blast. Happy Graduation banners and streamers are hung everywhere, and a half-eaten cake is on the dining room table that I’m surprised my dad hasn’t put away yet.
I jump, surprised when something pulls at my leg. Look down, I find my little sister, Amelia, smiling at me with a toothy grin. Her red hair is decorated with a yellow bow and a miniature ponytail at the top of her head that resembles water shooting out of a whale.
I crouch down to her level and say, “Well, aren’t you a pretty girl. Did Mama do your hair like that? There’s no way Dada did.”
I try not to cringe at the baby terms. We’re all on strict orders from “Dada” to use baby words as much as possible to help Ames learn how to speak. It seems a bit premature if you ask me, but oh well.
“Dada did do her hair, actually,” I hear from the entryway. “And put that blue drink away. The orange ones are yours.”
I look at my dad and roll my eyes. “You can keep telling me not to drink the blue ones, but I will always sneak them when you’re not looking.”
“You’re a little shit.”
“Yeah, yeah. That’s me.”
Scarlett’s voice rings through the kitchen as she yells for Amelia. The toddler takes off, her tiny legs wobbling as she walks.
I stand and grip the drink in my hand. Dad watches me curiously for a moment before walking past me to the cupboard above the fridge and rooting around in it.
Being a little over six feet tall, I can watch everything he’s doing. “You thirsty, old man?”
“No. But if you’re not into beer, you should have the option of having something else. It’s your graduation. Have fun instead of sitting inside drinking Gatorade. Dox is already drunk enough to have told his dad he’s no longer a virgin, and he’s not the one with the diploma yet.”
“No shit. Actually?” I lean back against the counter, my chest shaking with a laugh.
With a full bottle of Jack in his hand, Dad turns to face me. “Yep. Ava’s out back trying to coax him into drinking a bottle of water. I guess I don’t have to worry about that with you, my little homebody.”
I grab the bottle from his hand and twist off the cap before taking a huge gulp. It immediately burns my throat, and I spin around, coughing up a lung into the sink.
“Strong?” Dad chokes on a laugh.
I throw him a punishing glance over my shoulder. “You’re a jackass.”
“Who, me?” He blinks. I shove the bottle back at him, and he grins. “Usually you mix it with something, not drink it straight, hotshot.”
“You know, this is why I don’t drink.”
“No, you don’t drink because you don’t want to end up like your best friend out there. You should really go save him from his parents before he ends up spilling a lot more than just losing his V card. I don’t think Ava could take hearing that stuff about her baby boy.”
“No, she definitely couldn’t,” I agree. Suddenly, Dad slaps a hand over my shoulder and pulls me into a sudden hug. I return it easily. “What’s this for? Not being able to stand the taste of booze?”