Page 23 of Radiant Rites
“Merati males are trained to be docile,” Orion says, a hint of derision in his voice. “And docile isnota word I would use to describe you, nor is it the kind of queen you want to be…otherwise the Merati court will eat you alive.”
I can’t help it–I get a little defensive at that. I take Orion by the arm and pull him aside, into an alcove in the market. It’s weirdly private, and a thrill goes through me when I realize how close he is, boxing me in.
Does it make me a freak that Ilikethe fear?
“Hey,” I say. “Nereus has done a great job teaching me about this world. I came into this knowing nothing and…”
I trail off when Orion reaches forward to graze his talons against my cheek, the slightest sting following them. “I didn’t mean to insult your prince,” he says. “Nereus is an admirable negotiator, and I like the man. We’ve come to know each other well as I’ve trained him in combat. But you…” He comes a step closer, his breath puffing against my hair. “The idea of someone taming you—domesticating you—is absurd. You weren’t meant to be tamed.”
“No…according to you, I was meant to be hunted,” I say.
Orion chuckles. “Only if it pleases you.”
His tongue flicks out against my neck and I tilt my head back, letting his hands trail down my arms. I’m covered head to toe in armor, but he still manages to get me turned on as he boxes me in against the wall, kissing me in the only way he can.
Since he is, after all, a lizardman.
“We should get going,” I say. “I don’t want to worry the others and…well, there are things we can do in my quarters that we can’t do here.”
“You know I’ve always wanted to ravish you in an alley, though,” Orion drones, his voice so deep that it feels like it could rattle my bones. “Unlace you and lick you from head to toe…you taste delicious.”
But he steps away just after he says it.
Because that’s Orion: perfectly controlled, doingnothingby accident.
Including getting me all hot and bothered with all these people around.
“You meant to do that,” I say, rolling my eyes at him.
“Of course I did,” he says. “I want you ready to take me when we return to the Wrath.”
I hiss out a breath, taking him by the arm. “In that case, I guess we’d better get a move on.”
We’ve almost reached the Wrath when my comm starts to vibrate at my wrist, and I pause to look at it. I can already see the warship in the docking bay, but I glance down at my comm anyway. I don’t normally get calls like this–if it’s anyone on the ship, they’ll come talk to me personally, and the only other person who contacts me is Cressida via a secure line.
And then a name I don’t expect appears on my comm.
I look up at Orion, fear and anxiety and something like excitement twisting my gut. Kye barely speaks to me anymore; in fact, he actively avoids me most days. So I’m not sure what’s going to happen when I accept the transmission.
“I’ll meet you inside,” I say. “I just uh…need to take this transmission from Cressida.”
Orion’s eyes narrow—he has to know I’m lying—but he tilts his head in respect. “As you wish,” he says. “I’ll see you inside.”
And then he’s gone, leaving me alone.
I step to the edge of the docking bay and look down at my comm, and instantly wonder if I should have asked Orion to stay. Because all I see is rapidly shifting motion, and then I hear what I think is someone getting punched in the face and a loud, excitedwhoop. “Kye?” I say, panic rising in my chest. “What’s wrong? Where are you?”
His face comes into view a moment later, and he flashes me a bruised eye and a smirk.
“Uh…hey, Fi,” he says. “I may have gotten myself into alittlebit of trouble.”
I know for a fact that Nereus wouldnotbe happy about what I’m about to do…but Aramis seems to be onboard, and their approval is currently the only approval I need.