Page 67 of Radiant Rites
Losing the Naiad made it clear to me just how fragile we are, and I know the war against Lamia may not go our way.
The palace is in disarray as staff rush to prepare the grand ballroom, where Fiona had her coming out party as Nereus’s princess. The corridors are swimming with guards, Skoll and Merati guardians roaming about the palace. I’m surprised to find that there are quite a few Mlok here as well, no doubt a result of our new alliance with Alamancia. Not only that, but they don’t want to miss the festivities. This Elixir Ceremony could be the last moment of joy before a long, drawn-out conflict. We have a plan to take out Lamia in one fell swoop, but if it doesn’t succeed, Cressida could fall into civil war with her sister Calypso, while Alamancia is left to fend for itself against Lamia’s wrath.
I’ve been tasked with bringing the others to Fiona’s quarters for one final meeting before the ceremony, and I take my time as I limp along the corridor. The last rays of sunlight stream through the windows, warming my skin, and I realize that listening closely allows me to hear the ocean outside. Here in the lower levels of the palace—the barracks, where I’m certain I’ll find Ryker—the ocean is just outside, and a few windows are open to let in the warm ocean air.
Laughter sounds ahead of me and I follow the big booming voice into the mess hall. I would know that laugh anywhere, and it brings me joy to hear it. I don’t think I’ve heard Ryker laugh since he first went into rut, and I feared that he may have had a tough conversation with Fiona. He seems to be in high spirits, though, his shoulders shaking with mirth as I round the corner.
He sits at a lonely table in the corner with a beer in his hand. Aramis is on one side of him, their elbows propped on the table, while Sten sits at his left. Across from him are Florian, her long hair tied into a tight braid, and their other companion is Orion.
I didn’t even know they’d grown close, but that, too, brings me joy.
“Brother!” Ryker says from the corner, catching my eye. “We were just having one last round before the ceremony; join us!”
I grin and cross the room to join them, Orion and Florian moving down the bench to make room for me. It feels so informal…casual and fun. Nothing like our time on the Wrath.
I wonder if we’ll have moments like this again once we’re Elixir Bonded and Fiona is queen of Homeworld.
Florian pours me a mug of mead and slides it down the table, Orion passing it to me with a clawed hand. I take a sip to find it’s got a unique sweetness exclusive to honey harvested in the Aurelian Valley on Skoll–they must have broken into the most expensive barrels in the mess for this. Ryker dives right back into an animated conversation with Aramis after I’ve settled myself, the two of them arguing over something related to combat tactics and the use of Jotenbei hive ships in battle.
“Didn’t expect to find you here,” I grunt at Orion.
“Neither did I,” he says. “I was shocked they even agreed to let me into the palace, given that I did try to kidnap someone last time I was here.”
“Triedand succeeded,” I correct him. “You kidnapped two people—Fionaandme.”
“And subsequently lost my mind and was taken prisoner on my own ship,” he chuckles. The Mlok hunter takes a swig from his glass and then glances at me. “I’m not sure if I ever thanked you for that.”
“For beating you, binding you, and keeping you chained to a chair for a week?” I ask. “No thanks needed.”
“You saved my life,” Orion says, not so much as missing a beat. “Not just her. You gave me the benefit of the doubt when it would have been wise to slit my throat.”
“You’re flattering me,” I scoff.
“No,” he says. He clasps a taloned hand to my shoulder. “I’m merely telling you that I’m honored to have not just Fiona as my mate, but a brother in arms to be bonded with.”
Something stirs in my chest—not lust, but deep, abiding affection. I glance over to find Ryker watching us from across the table, clearly having heard our conversation. “I can think of no others I would rather be eternally linked to,” Orion continues, looking from me to Ryker. “Two of the finest warriors I’ve ever met.”
Aramis quirks a brow at us. “Cheers to that—and to the soon-to-be newlyweds.”
I laugh and clink my mug against the rest of theirs, but something sticks with me from our conversation: the fact that I won’t just be bonded to Fiona, but to the others as well.
And Orion is right. There are no other men I would rather call my comrades.
I know I should tell them. We might not get another chance. So I clear my throat as we put our glasses down, all of us sitting for a moment in silence. I know it’s on all of our minds, especially since group Elixir Ceremonies are so rare here on Triton—and in most of the Alpha Worlds. The mate bond doesn’t usually lock into place with more than one person among the Skoll, and Fiona’s entire journey from abducted girl to queen has been a strange one indeed. That we’re all sitting here still alive is a miracle in and of itself.
“There isn’t a single one of our crew that I wouldn’t feel safe entrusting my life to,” I say. “As we prepare for this battle…I’m glad that you’ll be at my back. And I trust thatespeciallythe two of you will protect Fiona as we make our final advance. You’ll be the only things standing in the way of great evil. I’mentrusting youwith the thing in this universe most precious to me.”
Fiona. Gods, if I lose her…
“But,” I continue, “I say this only because I know that you love her just as much. And that if you have anything to say about it, we’ll be successful in this endeavor.”
“Of course,” Orion says.
“And we don’t just have her back—we haveyours,” Ryker adds.
“Aw…this is touching,” Aramis says, though I can hear the affection in their voice.
And as we share one final drink before the ceremony, I know that bonding with this group is not a mistake.