Page 75 of Radiant Rites
I see every color, from every perspective, and for the first time Ifeelwhat it is to live in someone else’s body, if only for a moment. And Nereus is somehow fucking all of us, suckers on my breasts, inside Kye, wrapped around Ryker’s muscular thigh. We fall into a pounding rhythm of sultry sighs, splashing limbs, holding each other. Ryker fucks my throat raw, so much pleasure coursing through me that I can barely breathe.
Taln is the first to tumble into the abyss, coming inside me with a shuddering gasp. He bites down on my shoulder hard enough to leave a mark as he does, and I feel his heat rushing into me, seeping out of me. He kisses me hard and I groan into his mouth, his tongue plunging past my teeth.
“I want her,” Ryker’s voice says from somewhere else. “Please.”
“Come here,” I sigh, reaching for him.
And then he’s there, replacing Taln, easing into me without hesitation. He’s so slow, and Orion is still behind me, and I lean my head against his chest.
I think I’m starting to lose steam.
“My beautiful mate,” Ryker murmurs, his fingers finding my chin, tilting my head up. Our pace slows to something comfortable, deliberate. “You have so much power in this…mywarrior goddess.”
“I’m getting tired,” I gasp against him.
“Easy…” he says. “Let us do the work.”
Taln’s hands are behind me suddenly, bracing me, massaging my neck. His left slides down, then and I realize he’s touchingOrion, his hand on the Mlok hunter’s other phallus. Orion’s breath puffs out against my neck in a groan, and I hear Taln groan as well.
All of us.Together.
Taln’s grip reaches a fever pitch on Orion’s cock, and Orion spills inside me with his other one. And when he pulls out, it’s just me and Ryker–just for a moment, the Skoll warrior holding me up against his chest as he slowly fucks me. “Beautiful mate,” he croons. “Mine…”
“Ours,” Kye’s voice says from beside me, his lips at my throat.
“Ours,” Nereus echoes.
And together, the four of us finish each other off, wrapped up in one another, kissing and fucking indiscriminately. Nereus’s tentacles are wrapped around my thighs, holding me open for Ryker, Kye supporting me from behind. Nereus presses a soft kiss to Ryker’s throat and their hands…their hands slide over wet, muscled bodies, gripping each other’s cocks. And I can feel Taln and Orion too as they rest at the edge of the pool, closer than ever before.
I come for the last time, release washing over me, wrapping me up in a cloud of warmth. Ryker pulls out, and then I’m carried to the edge of the pool–a grotto filled with starlight. I don’t know who’s got me–maybe it’s all of them. On a stone beach, I find there’s been a whole mess of pillows laid out, a nest big enough for the six of us.
I idly think about how, when this is all over, I’ll need one like this in my palace. No more sleeping apart.Together.
Someone lays me down somewhere warm—and that somewhere warm is Taln’s broad chest, an arm curling around me. Orion is on my other side, cooling me down after the night’s events with his smooth scales. A head of blond hair appears at my hip: Ryker, antlers pointing up toward the ceiling.
And Kye wraps his arms around my thigh, his head on Taln’s knee, Nereus curled around Kye’s back.
My men.
I’m already so far gone, but not used up. I expected to feel exhausted, but I just feel safe, warm, at home.
I don’t want to lose them.
So I just let myself feel the bliss of this moment, and forget about the doom on the horizon.
“Wake up, gorgeous.”
My eyes flutter open, golden light dancing across my vision. The first thing I see is the glint of golden antlers, then bronze scales, then slender fingers draped over a Mlok chest. I rub my eyes, rolling over to find Kye molded to my back, his fingers drawing idle circles on my hip.
“Morning,” he whispers, his breath tickling my neck.
“Morning,” I respond with a smile. I’m still draped in my men–everyone is still here except for Taln–and I couldn’t be more comfortable. “Uh…where are we?”
“Cressida was sweet enough to set us up with a little sex palace,” Kye murmurs. He playfully nibbles my earlobe and I snort against Ryker’s chest, the big guy still snoring away. Orion has curled into the opposite corner, his tail wrapped around him like a shield. “I didn’t know lizard people would be so cute when they sleep.”