Page 78 of Radiant Rites
“If we distract Lamia with a battle in the city, she’ll have to concentrate her attention on controlling her army, since she directs her generals herself,” Orion says. “Ryker will lead a berserker attack in the city streets, while the Wrath will provide air support along with Cressida’s fleet, with Kye, Nereus, and Taln aboard. Meanwhile,wewill infiltrate the palace with four small groups of Hunters, using the other squadrons to make it appear that she’s able to route us.”
“I don’t want to be separated from any of you,” Fiona says, shaking her head.
Nereus’ hand lands on hers, their eyes meeting. “But it’s the smart thing to do,” he says. “We each have our strengths. It isn’t like me or Kye can join you on the battlefield, not with the lack of training.”
“Hey, Kye was in the air force,” Fiona cuts in.
“And like I told you the other day,I really didn’t get a lot of combat training,” Kye says. “Just because I can shoot a gun doesn’t mean I’m equipped for taking on horned gods with axes.”
“Sweet of you to describe me as a god,” I chuckle.
It’s effective in breaking at least some of the tension. Kye barks out a laugh, and I meet Fiona’s eyes through the hologram. “For what it’s worth,” I say, “I think Orion is right. Lamia will expect to prey on your connection with us, and she won’t see it coming if we sneak you into the palace in the chaos. Our chances of survival are higher if we play to our strengths.”
“Exactly,” Taln agrees. “And frankly…I’m more interested in living on with you than I am in staying together through this particular battle. There are more wars to be won than just this one.”
Fiona nods. “You’re right,” she says, chewing on her lip. “So…what now? Do I give an inspirational speech to rally the troops? Because I’m really not great at those.”
“I don’t know where you’re getting such ideas, but I don’t think that will be necessary,” I say. “Instead, how about you join me in the armory—I think it’s time that we prepared for battle.”
It isn’t uncommon for Merati queens to lead their troops into battle. Trained in hand-to-hand combat, Merati women are some of the deadliest opponents in a fight, and fiercely protective of their people. Indeed, Nereus’s mother was one of the finest warriors I’ve ever met—quick with a blade, and even quicker with her fists. Before her death, she seemed invincible.
Her armor is one of the few things that we were able to salvage from Homeworld, and it’s been kept with the utmost care as it languished deep within the castle walls. Cressida was a dear friend of Nereus’s mother, and she hasn’t so much as touched it.
I wasn’tactuallyunable to sleep this morning; I was getting Cressida’s permission to give the armor to Fiona.
The six of us—my family—follow the winding staircases down to the lower levels of the palace, past the barracks and into the armory. It stretches at least three stories, the walls lined with ancient weapons that go far back into the Merati royal line—as far as to when Homeworld was the Merati capital, and only a king ruled them all. Suits of glittering armor line the opposite wall, most of them built for the slender frames of Merati women.
I hear Nereus take a sharp breath from behind me when he catches sight of his mother’s armor, glistening in green, blue, and gold at the very center of the display. Made of ancient sea dragon scales, it’s harder than diamonds and serves as camouflage when underwater.
Fiona has always been terrified of swimming…but now she’ll blend in with the rippling light of the palace corridors beneath the waves of the Atarys Abyss.
‘’I didn’t even know it was here,” Nereus breathes, stepping forward. He reaches out to touch the armor, dragging his hand over the smooth scales. “It’s been years.”
“Cressida had it smuggled off of Homeworld rather than collecting dust in the palace armory,” I tell him. “She wants Fiona to wear it when we take Atarys.”
“I’m…a little lost,” Fiona says. “It’s beautiful, but I don’t know the significance.”
Nereus looks over at her, his eyes sparkling. “It was my mother’s.”
She doesn’t hesitate to move forward and take him into an embrace, holding him tight. The rest of us let them have this moment, watching in silence.
“Are you sure it’s okay if I wear it?” Fiona asks Nereus. “I don’t want to overstep…”
“No—it should be yours,” he says. “It belongs to the queen of Homeworld.”
She bites her lip, clearly holding back tears, then looks at the rest of us. “Will you help me put it on?”
“Of course,” I say. “And for the rest of you—Cressida said to take whatever you think will be useful. She’s sparing no expense when it comes to winning this fight.”
Kye and Orion start to meander around the room together, Orion explaining the various uses of killing tools mounted on the walls under his breath. Ryker moves to pick up the armor from its stand, first pulling the cuirass into his hands as Fiona stands waiting. She’s already in the fighting leathers we had made for her on Alamancia, and she glances from me, to Ryker, to Nereus in apprehension.
“Is there anything I need to do?” she says. “It’s so beautiful I’m afraid I’ll damage it.”
“No; it’s made of dragonscale,” Ryker says. “Light, dynamic, and resistant to psychic attacks, should the need arise. But you don’t need to worry about damaging it.”