Page 7 of Dark Desires
And I really don’t want to.
I clasp my hands around her waist so I can pull her down close to me. She curls her hands around the fabric of my shirt, her voice thick with desire as she saysfuck, fuck, fuckunder her breath. She shudders again and I melt into her with a moan, my breath rumbling as I cross the point of release, feeling nothing but the pleasure of this woman on top of me, nothing but the way she tenses and moans as the waves of her orgasm hit her repeatedly.
Then she collapses on top of me, her breath shuddering, and I wrap my arms around her waist as my pulse slowly returns to normal.
Iwonder if I should tell Misha to go to his own room.
After all, he did book a room for himself and if he doesn’t sleep there it would be a waste of money. He even dragged the little luggage he had along with him when I invited him into my room and I should’ve predicted that this was how things were going to develop between us.
I’m not naive. Just impulsive.
I should’ve thought about how Rei was going to feel knowing I invited his best friend–fuck, I don’t actually know if they’re friends, but that’s definitely his boss–back into my room. I’m not trying to play anybody, I just thought that Misha might have some insight that Rei didn’t have.
Rei is a good listener, but he’s a psychiatrist. Misha doesn’t talk to his parents. And Misha was right there. I needed to have someone to talk to, but I should’ve thought it through more.
I walk toward the bed and turn around so I can look at him, still deciding whether I’m going to ask him to join or if I’m going to kick him out. He’s still gasping for breath, still bare from the waist down as he sinks down on the couch where we just had sex.
He opens his eyes and turns his head so he can look at me. “Trine?“
“Are you okay?“
“Yeah, I’m fine,“ I say.
He raises his eyebrows, his jeans still in a heap at his feet. He clearly doesn’t believe me.
I sigh, shaking my head. “I’m just trying to figure out if I’m going to invite you to stay the night.“
He smiles as he pulls her pants up over his legs. “I can go to my room. I don’t want to pressure you into anything.“
“You’re not,“ I reply, sitting down on the edge of the bed, my fingers curling around the edge of the mattress of the surprisingly soft hotel room mattress. “I was the one to invite you into my room, I was the one who told you how I wanted to be distracted. You didn’t do anything wrong. Fuck, you did everything right…“
“Thank you?“ he says. It’s obviously a question and he’s having a hard time keeping a straight face. I can feel my cheeks redden under the scrutiny of his gaze, suddenly feeling self-conscious.
“Anyway, I shouldn’t have invited you in, or put you in a position where you felt like you needed to do that.“
“You didn’t put me in a position where I felt like I had to do anything. I definitely wanted to do that, Trine.“
I watch as he walks toward me, leaning down so he can inch his face close to mine, light eyes wide. I’ve never really looked into his eyes, and they’re this hazel color that’s practically gold. His pupils expand as he closes the space between us, his mouth falling open before he speaks.
“I want to do so many more things to you,“ he says. “Unspeakable things.“
I swallow. It would be so easy to press my lips against his, to kiss him as deeply as I want to right now, to drag him into this bed and let him fuck me until neither one of us feels like we can walk.
But I don’t. My legs hurt, I’m tired, and I want to make sure to have my wits about me when it’s time to see my mom, so only in a few hours.
“We shouldn’t,“ I say softly. “What about Rei?“
“What, you think he’s jealous?“
“Wouldn’t you be?“
“He doesn’t own you, Trine,“ he says, his lips so close to my own that I can’t even see them when I look down, only feel his breath tickling my skin. “Neither one of us do.“
I wonder if I should tell him about what happened between me and the priest on the balcony. I mean, technically, nothing happened, right? We didn’t even touch. All he did was watch and it wasn’t as if he had a great view. My hands were under my clothes.