Page 21 of Sinister Magic
Twilight fell,and the rain turned to a light mist that dampened my cheeks but didn’t soak through my clothing as I walked several blocks from where I found parking to Willard’s Roosevelt neighborhood apartment. Even though it was past rush hour, traffic was still a snarl. I watched a guy who was trying to parallel park a Hummer give up after crunching someone’s bumper, then cause a spate of honking as he rushed back to leave a note on the other vehicle’s windshield. Two smart cars that were only slightly larger than scooters zipped into the abandonedspace.
I watched the situation longer than I usually would have because I’d had a niggling sense, since stepping out of the government car, that I was being watched. Since I wasn’t a novice, I refrained from glancing over my shoulder repeatedly. I took a few steps down a quieter side street and pretended to check messages on my phone, while leaning against a brick wall and waiting to see if anyone suspicious rounded thecorner.
So far, I hadn’tseenanyone. It was just my instincts twanging my nerves. Considering how many times enemies had hunted me down in my life, those instincts were wellhoned.
Had Lieutenant Sudo ordered someone to stalk me and steal back the keys to his car? I’d expected it to have been towed away while I was in the hospital, or at least to find a police officer leaning against it when I came out. Maybe Sudo had been too embarrassed to admit to his superiors that he’d let me drive off with it, and was handling the situation in an unconventionalway.
Later, I’d see if I could put the down payment on a new-used Jeep with the combat bonus money. Thepartialbonus money. Unfortunately, I still had a lot of payments left on the rig hanging in the branches on the Oregon coast. I had money in savings and various retirement plans, but I was always hesitant to dip into them, since I didn’t know how long I’d be able to continue the work Idid.
I lived as frugally as one could in a city where the average apartment rent was over two thousand dollars a month, but my work expenses added up. The year before, I’d paid nearly ten thousand dollars for the charm that had kept me from being charred into a s’more by that dragon’s fire. It had been worthit.
Nobody came around the corner to look for me, so I put my phone away and continued on a less direct route toward Willard’sapartment.
After another block, I paused to consider the acupuncture and massage services advertised on the window of an old house converted into a business. Out of the corner of my eye, I glimpsed someone in black pants and a black parka with the hood pulled up. When I scratched my jaw and looked that way casually but more directly, the person was gone. For a moment, I thought Isensed…
No, there wasnothing.
After passing through the small parking lot behind Willard’s building—where numerous signs informed me that anyone without a permit would be towed while also thanking me and wishing me a nice day—I paused at the bottom of the exterior stairs. Nobody was nearby. I touched my feline charm and whispered for Sindari to joinme.
The familiar mist formed, and the tiger coalesced on the crackedpavement.
It’s about time.Sindari swished his tail and looked straight at me.I’ve been wondering if you survived thedragon.
I’m sorry. I should have brought you back right away to check on you, but I figured you had been injured and needed time to heal.As I’d learned in the past, the magic that linked Sindari to the figurine could only keep him in this world for a few hours at a time, and if he was wounded, he had to stay in his own realm longer to recuperate.Also, the hotel I stayed at in Portland didn’t allowpets.
Pets!If tigers had eyebrows, his would have shot up higher than hisears.
I’m sorry. Are you considered more of a serviceanimal?
I am Sindari Dargoth Chaser the Third, Son of the Chieftain Raul, Feared Stalker and Hunter of the Tangled Tundra Nation onDel’noth.
So… not a serviceanimal?
An ambassador, if anything. Pet.His blue eyes squinted at me.I should gnaw off your foot forthat.
I thought you couldn’t eat anything in thisrealm.
I wouldn’t eat it. I’d just leave it in that ditch over there for the carrionbirds.
You’re in quite the mood this evening.I decided not to ask if male tigers had anything equivalent toPMS.
Because I feared you were dead. And that you died in the ocean where my figurine would never be recovered, meaning I could never travel from my native realmagain.
Again, I’m sorry. Next time, I’ll definitely recall you right away if you leave when I’m in danger of being mauled by adragon.
Is being the most regal son of a chieftain not as wonderful as it sounds?I asked as we headed up the stairs to the third floor. The rain was picking up, so I wanted to get under the coveredwalkway.
It’s not horrible, but there are six older sons who can be twits. The hunting is lovely where I grew up though. Did you know there’s an elf followingus?
I almost tripped on someone’s doormat and glanced back before I caughtmyself.
She’s using stealth. You may not see her. Your senses aren’t as sublime asmine.
Ithoughtsomeone was following me. An elf?I made myself keep walking toward Willard’s door.Are you sure? I’ve never seen an elf, unless one counts the idealized painting of one my mother has over her fireplace.The painting was supposedly my father, but since I’d never met him, I had no idea how accurate it was. My mother had been obsessed after he left and had the largest collection of books, trinkets, scrolls, and maps related to elves that existed outside of a museum. And perhaps eveninsidemost museums.They’re supposed to have all left Earth more than forty yearsago.