Page 69 of Sinister Magic
It is good that you recognize this truth as self-evident.
As we clambered over a wood fence and came out on the promised trail, which turned out to be a well-maintained dirt road, the police pulled into the driveway of the vacant house. Their lights flashed off the walls of the neighboring houses and cars in the streets. Hopefully, all the activity—and light—would make the dark elvesflee.
Dimitri and I ran down the dirt road, passed through a gate, and came to a spot where it crossed a paved street. We turned onto it, and I pulled out my phone for the map. I was fairly certain we’d been on the popular Tolt Pipeline Trail, but the streets back here were amaze.
“It’s a circuitous route back to your van,” I reported, “but maybe that’s for thebest.”
“So the police and dark elves are gone by the time we getthere?”
“Yes.” I envisioned returning to a tape-covered crime scene and hoped we would be able to slipaway.
The sound of claws on the pavement came from behind, and I turned as Sindari trotted up. He was limping, and when I reached to pet him, my hand came away wet withblood.
“Poor boy.” Even though he would repair quickly once he returned to his own realm, that didn’t keep him from feeling the pain of injuries while he was here. “Thank you for your help. Go restnow.”
I will, but I wanted to warn you… They are very fast and very strong, and I think those were lowly minions among their kind. Do your best to avoid them,Val.
When I thought of Zoltan’s list of requirements and the sample kit in my pocket, I shook my head sadly.I don’t think Ican.