Page 20 of Love Walks In
Chapter 5
Nice one, universe,Aria thought. I so appreciate being the butt of a cosmic joke. And by the way, those rainbows everyone oohs and ahhs about? Totally overrated.
This was payback for leaping into Hunter’s arms and kissing him like she was a starving woman and he was a big gooey piece of chocolate cake. Or like she was a woman who’d just eaten a substantial dinner, and he was still the cake.
Steeling her spine, she lifted her head and looked him in the eye. He was watching her, his eyes dark and guarded.
“I need to ask you to leave, Mr. Armstrong.” Somehow, she managed to keep her voice steady.
“Hunter.” His mouth tightened. “I’d like to discuss our offer.”
“I’m sure you would. I, however, want nothing to do with youroffer.”
He folded his arms. With his wide stance and hard-set features, he looked like the epitome of a corporate tycoon who would stop at nothing to get what he wanted.
Who was she kidding? Hewasthat corporate tycoon. Too bad for her and her hormones that she’d been so entranced by his hotness...okay, and the fact that he’d been good enough to chase after her cat in a storm…that she hadn’t sensed the greed simmering in his blood. Or the fact that he was exactly the kind of man she needed to stay miles away from.
“Look.” He held up one hand. “Last night was a…fluke. If we put it aside and approach this objectively, I’m sure we can come to an agreement.”
“You want toput asidethe fact that you kissed me.” Her belly tensed as she fought back the visceral sensation of his arms locking around her.
“When discussing the contract, yes.” His gaze slid to her lips, his eyes darkening. “It would complicate things.”
Sharp disappointment stabbed her again. He wasthatkind of man. The kind who could shut down his emotions like turning off a faucet. The kind who compartmentalized his business and personal lives. The kind who approached things with rationality and cold objectivity.
“By all means, let’s put theflukeof our encounter aside.” Her tone grew icy. “In fact, let’s pretend it didn’t even happen. No need to mention it again. I still have no intention of discussing your offer.”
“You didn’t own this building when Imperial first offered a buyout a couple of years ago.” He stepped closer. “But you should know that the current terms are infinitely more favorable and well over the fair market value of the property. You would easily be able to relocate somewhere with more foot traffic and a much better environment.” He scanned the wall behind her and squinted at the shuttered door leading to the Cat Lounge. “A cat-themed café would go over well with the college crowd, I imagine. You could reopen over on Kensington Street.”
“I’ve no intention of reopening anywhere else.” Aria tightened her grip on the dishtowel. “I’ve worked very hard to establish the café right here.”
His mouth twisted. “And how’s business?”
“None ofyourbusiness.” She tossed her hair over her shoulder and folded her arms, matching hisI’m a tycoonstance. “I said you need to leave.”
“I heard what you said.” He stepped closer, his broad shoulders blocking the view of the street. Suspicion gleamed in his eyes. “Where’s the contract?”
She lifted her chin. “In the trash where it belongs.”
“Did you read it?”
“Of course. My answer is still no.”
He studied her for a long minute with that penetrating stare that made her want to squirm with discomfort.
“All of the other shop owners will vote to sell,” Hunter said. “And if you don’t, you’ll be left on your own. When I have an eighty percent hold on this district, town law says I can force you to sell at less than the fair market value.”
Aria’s heart stuttered. She’d known she would be pushed into a corner, but could he legally make her sell?
“You can’tforceme to do anything, Mr. Armstrong. No one can.”
He held up both hands, as if in surrender. She wasn’t fooled. He didn’t look as if he’d ever surrendered to anyone in his life.
“I’ve corresponded with most of the other owners on this street,” he said. “They’re more than ready to relocate or take an early retirement and say goodbye to the countless problems that come with owning an old property. Five have already agreed to sign the contract.”