Page 6 of Love Walks In
After admiring the fact that his back was as appealing as his front, Aria edged away. If he approached the cat from this side, and she darted around behind Porkchop, they might be able to box him in.
He took a few steps toward the cat. Porkchop blinked at him. Glowering Stranger made a deep, rumbling noise that was obviously meant to soothe the animal, but that also had the strangest effect on Aria—like a hot wave rolling over her skin and settling right into her core.
Suppressing the ridiculous sensation, she prepared to move around and surround the cat as soon as the man got close enough.
“Good boy.” Glowering Stranger bent and picked Porkchop up as if the cat were…well, a docile, pick-up-able creature who hadn’t just fled through the streets of Bliss Cove like an escaped felon.
Aria gaped. Porkchop just...curledinto the man’s arms as if he didn’t have the slightest interest in getting away. In fact, the little traitor even nuzzled his furry head against Glowering Stranger’s chest.
Aria had the fleeting thought that she’d like to do the same thing.
“Well.” Wiping the rain from her face, she extended her arms. “Clearly he was exhausted from all that running.”
“Clearly.” Though his voice was dry, faint amusement sparked in his eyes.
No, she was imagining that, or it was a trick of the light. No way did this man possess the slightest bit of humor.
Closing her arms around the damp Porkchop, she stepped away. The cat stiffened and squirmed. She tightened her hold.
“Thank you for your assistance,” she said coolly. “I’ll be going now.”
“You’re fortunate you ended up next to my room.” Folding his arms, he pierced her with a disapproving glare. “Anyone else would have called the police if they heard someone prowling under their window.”
“I’ll just consider myself a lucky duck, then.” She backed off through the bushes.
A ripping sound filled the air. Her heart sank. Gripping the cat with one hand, she pulled at her skirt and tried to dislodge it from another sharp branch.
Glowering Stranger walked toward her.
Great. Not only did he have to rescue Porkchop, he also had to rescueher.
Bending, he released the material from the branch with a deft flick of his fingers.
“Thank you.” She lifted her chin, her face heating. Based on the feeling of cool air brushing against her leg, she’d ripped her dress almost up to her thigh. Not that she was about to look down and check, thereby drawing attention to her mishap.
Porkchop wiggled and clawed at her arm.Troublemaker.
“Good night.” Mustering her dignity, she turned and walked away.
The cat squirmed again. His fur was getting wetter every second. She tightened her grip, praying she could manage to hold on to him for the walk back to Mariposa Street. Porkchop was not only big, he was strong and knew how to hold his own. He meowed and twisted wildly.
“Pork…oh, no.”
With a hard pull, the cat jumped to the ground and took off into the backyard of the inn.
“Porkchop!” Panic flared.
The animal ran toward the trail leading to Pelican Beach. Aria started after him when a large hand clamped around her arm.
“He might be running because you’re chasing him,” the stranger said.
“I have to catch him!” She tried to yank her arm from his grip. She’d never forgive herself if she lost the cat. He’d been through enough in his life, and he deserved a good home. “He’s heading for the beach, and I’ll never be able to find him in the dark.”
He bit out a sharp curse and released her, turning back to the open window. Aria flew after the cat, her flat-soled sandals skidding on the wet grass.
Just as she reached the trail, a pair of heavy male footsteps sounded behind her. The wide beam of a flashlight shone on the path. Glowering Stranger appeared at her side.
For an instant Aria wondered how in the heck he’d managed to procure a flashlight so fast. She caught sight of a tail swishing through the grass.