Page 75 of Love Walks In
Chapter 21
After locking the door of Meow and Later, Aria drove to the Mousehole Tavern. She’d had to leave Hunter again early that morning to open the café, and she’d been unable to stop thinking about the fact that he’d be leaving tomorrow.
“Just for a day or two,”he’d assured her, even though his jaw was tense and his eyes dark.
Though the Oceanview situation had never gone away, they’d both been able to separate it from what was happening between them. Not that Aria wanted to think too much aboutthem. If she did, she was afraid she might come to some realizations that would only intensify the pain of their inevitable separation.
While she was able to suppress the fears swirling underneath her thoughts, her feelings, both emotional and physical, had a life of their own. Her body surged with awareness whenever he touched her, and just the sight of him made her heart go through a full cardio routine of hops, skips, and jumps. His kisses aroused her unbearably, and his smiles lit her up with happiness.
When they were apart during the day, she couldn’t wait to see him again. And when she was with him, she didn’t want to leave.
It was all wonderful, dangerous, and scary at the same time.
Which was exactly the reason she tried not to think about it in too much detail or to worry about what would happen in the future.
She pulled open the tavern door and walked to the bar, where Grant was serving drinks.
“How’s the petition?” He tossed a dishtowel over his shoulder and started to make her a mojito.
“Three hundred signatures so far, which isn’t bad considering I started it a week ago.” She rested her elbows on the bar. “I’m trying to get Mayor Bowers to help fund the revival of the Historical Preservation Society. Unfortunately, she’s not very enthused.”
Setting the drink in front of her, Grant frowned. “Why not?”
“Oceanview Plaza, for one.” Aria sipped the drink. “Everyone is convinced Imperial Properties will win the vote. Even if they don’t, Mayor Bowers likes the idea of a Mariposa restoration, but she’s worried that pulling resources from other city services will cause problems.”
His frown deepened. “How did they fund the preservation society in the first place?”
“The town council subsidized it, but mostly it was funded with private donations and memberships. The society also partnered with a lot of corporations. The biggest sponsor was the Bliss Cove Fishing Company. When they closed, it started a domino effect, and membership declined because people were struggling financially. So that led to…well, where we are today.”
“Have you tried the corporate route yet?”
“I’ve written letters, yes, and I’ve filled out some federal grant applications.” Aria rubbed a spot on the counter, her mouth twisting. “Unfortunately, it’s a very long process, and I don’t have much time. The vote is in—”
Her heart stuttered. The vote wasnext week.
“All Imperial needs is a majority.” She struggled against a feeling of defeat. “Even if I had enough money to counter their proposal, I don’t have a solid, well-thought-out plan for how to make the Historical Preservation Society work in Bliss Cove. I’m making a plan, but it’s just in the beginning stages. Imperial has the Oceanview plan, which is…well, you’ve seen it. It’s like a masterpiece novel versus a board book.”
“There’s a lot to be said for board books.” Grant slanted his gaze past her, his expression hardening.
Aria followed his line of sight to where Hunter was coming into the tavern. In a T-shirt, faded jeans, and a hoodie, his hair messy from the wind, he was the opposite of a corporate tycoon. He was warm, approachable, beautiful, and her heart ricocheted happily.
She climbed off the barstool and approached him. “Hi.”
“Can I see you outside for a minute?” His expression inscrutable, he held open the door.
Wary, she stepped onto the front porch. The second the door closed behind them, Hunter crowded her up against the building and planted both hands on either side of her head. He bent to press a swift, hard kiss against her mouth.
“Hi,” he murmured. “I missed you.”
Breathless, she curled her fingers around his arms. “I missed you, too.”
“Can we go somewhere private so I can ravish you?” He trailed his lips over her cheek, flicking his tongue out to caress her earlobe.
Aria shivered delightfully. “Later. I’m starving.”
“Me too.” He kissed her neck and slid his hand down to cup her breast. “I’ve been craving Aria pie all day.”
She laughed and nudged his chest. “You’d better stop before someone sees us. Feed me some artichoke soup and chocolate mousse, and then you can take me home and ravish me to your heart’s content.”