Page 87 of Love Walks In
Chapter 24
In the two days following the disastrous meeting at Imperial Properties, Aria expected her phone to flood with messages and calls from Hunter.
Instead, he sent her only one text with two words.Trust me.
Though the words burrowed into her heart, Aria deleted the message right after reading it. Before leaving for New York, she’d put a “Gone Fishing” sign on the café door and recruited Destiny to take care of the cats while she was gone, but she hadn’t told anyone—not even Rory—where she was going.
Stroking Jumbo behind the ears, she set bowls of food down for the cats and ensured all the doors were locked. She felt tight, like a piece of paper crushed into a ball, her insides knotted with the pain of keeping secrets.
Despite her bold words to Bruce Sinclair, she didn’t dare breathe a word about the Venture Resort, not with his threats hovering over her like toxic smoke. Though Rory was a cybersecurity expert who would never leave her fingerprints on anything, she still had done something illegal.
Aria had no idea what kind of security team Imperial employed, but given the size and reach of the company, she didn’t want to find out firsthand. She would never knowingly put her sister in harm’s way.
She wouldn’t tell Rory about Sinclair’s threats either. Her sister would either barge in and confront Sinclair herself or dare them to try and come after her.
No. Best to keep it all inside, festering and hot. Aria had learned how to lock up her dismay and confusion when she was with Steve. It was cold comfort to discover she still had the key.
Trust me.
Hunter had seemed as shocked about the Venture Resort as she had been. Juliette, too. Maybe Bruce really did intend to use the project as a “test” to determine his successor CEO.
If that was the case, then Hunter would win. He already had a foothold in Bliss Cove, and all signs pointed to him winning the Mariposa vote at the meeting tonight.
Aria was out of time. If she’d convinced any of her fellow business owners about the value of saving Mariposa Street, then they’d prove their support at the ballot box. If not—
Well. She wasn’t out yet. She’d studied and prepared for her debate with Hunter as if she were about to take the most important test of her life. She would give it everything she had, keeping her focus sharp on the issue and not thinking about the worst possible outcome.
After a hot shower, she dressed in a simple, A-line tunic dress with an embroidered bodice. She took off most of her rings and bracelets so they wouldn’t be a distraction and applied a light coating of makeup. The red amethyst Destiny had given her glowed at her neckline.
Picking up her notes, she walked downstairs and into the warm evening air. Crowds of people—more than they’d had in months—wandered Mariposa Street. Lights blazed from the Hotel Casa Grande.
She turned, her heart jumping as her mother and Rory hurried toward her. “I didn’t know you’d be here.”
“Of course we wanted to be here.” Eleanor embraced her. “You look lovely. I know you’re going to do great.”
“Thanks, Mom.” Aria glanced hesitatingly at her sister. “Is Callie coming?”
A brief shadow crossed Rory’s face. “I haven’t heard from her, but I’m sure she’ll be here.”
“She wouldn’t miss this.” Eleanor brushed a piece of lint off Aria’s shoulder, her smile touched with sorrow. “Your father would be so proud of you.”
Aria’s throat tightened. “I hope so, Mom. I’m going to head over to get ready. I’ll see you both after the meeting, okay?”
“Best of luck, sweetie. We’ll be rooting for you.”
As Aria started toward the hotel, Rory caught up with her and grabbed her arm. “What’s going on? I didn’t want to worry Mom, but where have you been?”
“Just needed to get away.” Aria kept walking. “I’m sorry, Rory, but I need to focus on the debate. We’ll talk after the meeting, okay?”
Pulling away from her sister, she entered the old hotel with its plaster walls, warped floorboards, and old wooden desk. A platform stage had been set up against a wall, with folding chairs arranged in neat rows throughout the rest of the lobby. People were already beginning to fill the seats.
She turned and blinked. “Destiny? What in the…”
“Right?” Her friend twirled around to show off her tweed suit and low pumps. She wore the single-breasted blazer over a white shirt pinned at the neckline with a gold rose. The skirt fell in a straight line to her knees, and she was even wearing nylons.