Page 102 of And I Love Her
Jake put his hand on her shoulder, hating her despondency. He’d seen countless desperate actors and actresses over the years, but now he was driven to do something more to help them. Or at least keep them out of the clutches of a predator on a power trip.
“Here, take my number.” He pulled his phone from his pocket and brought up his number. “I can introduce you to some directors and writers…good people who aren’t going to force you to do anything you don’t want to do…and maybe we can find a decent job for you. Because Birch’s film isn’t it.”
She wiped away a tear and gave a shuddering sigh. “Why would you do that for me?”
“I know you’re talented, and I don’t want you to end up at the mercy of an asshole director.”
“What about you?”
“Don’t worry about me.”
She took her phone from her bag and inputted his number into her call list. After slipping her phone back into her bag, she glanced up at him.
“Thanks for this. I’ve always heard you’re a genuinely good guy, but you never know what to believe in this town. It’s nice to get the truth firsthand.”
“Good luck, Anna. Stay in touch, okay?”
He returned to the audition room. The men had resumed their seats, and Birch was pacing behind the camera.
“There you are.” The director snapped his fingers at Jake. “No one leaves my set without permission. Get back in front of the camera.”
“Fuck you.”
Birch’s mouth dropped open. The producers stared. One of the writers grinned.
“Brace yourself for a career fallout, Birch.” Jake grabbed his jacket from a chair and pointed a finger at the director. “And get another actor to be your goddamned puppet.”
He stalked out of the room. The instant the door slammed shut behind him, he knew what he was going to do.