Page 17 of And I Love Her
He knew he’d cave, and he didn’t like it. “She’llknow it’s me.”
“Oh, don’t worry about Callie.” Eleanor shook her head and let out a small laugh. “Who would she tell, the seventy-year-old professor of Homeric poetry? Trust me, Callie doesn’t associate with anyone who would care about the star ofFatal Glory.”
“What about your other daughters?”
“She’d never tell them she was seeing a man. They’d tease her mercilessly.”
He tightened his jaw, torn between his fascination with Callie and his need to stay incognito. “I’m not going to date her. You’d better believe I’ll tell her that.”
“Of course you can’tdate.” Eleanor clucked her tongue. “She’s a Classics professor with a PhD from Harvard, and you’re a movie star who chases bad guys and hangs off buildings. It’s a worse match than Tom and Nicole.”
“Well, let’s not go overboard.” Jake was unexpectedly stung.
“My point is that Callie needs a friend.” Eleanor touched his arm, her expression softening. “And she needs to loosen up a little. Especially now. She’s been my rock…heck, mymountain…for so long, and it’s time for her to focus on herself and her own life. Believe me, this isn’t the first time I’ve worried about her well-being. She’s a very special young woman who deserves a great deal from life, but she needs to get away from her books and her lists first. I would never ask this of justanyman. Only one I know I can trust implicitly.”
Jake flexed his hands. Though Eleanor’s concern for her daughter was clear, he sensed that she had another motive. Whatever it was, even if he turned down her offer, he didn’t think for a second that she would run around telling everyone he was back in Bliss Cove.
No. Something else was going on. But if he said no…Eleanor might ask another guy to “entertain” Callie. Just the thought of her going out with someone else ignited an irrational jealousy.
“It won’t be like going out with one of your fangirls,” Eleanor assured him. “Callie won’t get tongue-tied and fawn all over you. I doubt she even knows what theFatal Glorymovies are. She can tell you everything about Dionysian orgies, but she doesn’t know the first thing about contemporary pop culture.”
Against his better judgment, curiosity sparked in Jake at the idea of suited-up Callie discussing orgies. He shook the thought away and refocused on Eleanor.
“All right.” Irritation edged his voice. “I’ll do it.”
“Wonderful!” She smiled, her eyes twinkling. “My lips are sealed. No one except your agent, your mother, and me will ever know that Jake Ryan is back in Bliss Cove.”
She turned back to the door and opened it, her steps noticeably light.
Tension crawled over Jake’s shoulders. He was usually a hell of a lot more aggressive when it came to contract negotiations. He strong-armed for deal points and perks. Now, he’d only gotten what he’d asked for.
“Wait a minute.” He pushed to his feet.
Eleanor paused and turned.
“I have a lot more responsibility in this agreement than you do.” Spreading his stance, he fisted his hands on his hips and stared her down. “I want more.”
She raised her eyebrows. “Whatmoredo you want?”
“You put aside two fresh-baked Chaos Cookies for me every morning.” Jake held up two fingers to illustrate the point. “Two.The biggest, roundest cookies with the most chocolate chips. Any day I come in and there are no cookies waiting for me, the deal’s off.”
Eleanor compressed her lips with amusement. “Done.”
“My cell number is on the business card by the register.” She smoothed her hand over her apron. “Text me, and I’ll give you Callie’s contact info. Thank you, Jake. I’m sure this will work out beautifully for all of us.”
With a smile, she returned to the kitchen.
Jake picked up his camera, deflecting a strikingly strong anticipation over the idea of seeing Callie again. He’d just managed to convince himself not to go looking for her, no matter how much he’d wanted to. Now not only did hehaveto find her, he’d get to take her out. Or at least, ask her out.
Sudden wariness hit him. He’d never had a problem getting women to date him—just the opposite—but he’d never asked out an academic. Much less one with a PhD from Harvard. Much lessCallie Prescott.
What if he couldn’t convince her to say yes?