Page 35 of And I Love Her
Not that he was the guy who could actually give her what she deserved. Not that he even knew what that was.
He took a sip of the milkshake, catching her sideways glance. He extended the cup to her. “Want some? It’s amazing.”
A smile tugged at her mouth. She leaned forward to close her lips around the straw and suck.
Jake’s breath stuck in his throat. Heat rushed to his lower body. Damned if she didn’t have the most perfect mouth of any woman he’d ever met.
“Delicious.” Straightening, she wiped her lower lip and flashed him a smile. “An action flick, popcorn, candy, and now a milkshake? I don’t know if I can handle all this fun.”
Jake grinned. “Funlooks good on you, Professor.”
“Glad you think so, considering you’re the one who put it on me.”
A current of electricity sizzled between them. Callie broke her gaze first and glanced at her watch. “Almost eleven. I should get home.”
“Are you always in bed before midnight?” Only after the question came out did Jake realize he was now thinking ofCallie in bed.
The heat in his veins intensified. He took another sip of milkshake to try and cool off.
“I’m usually in bed before ten.” She took her keys from her purse and stopped by a tan car parked on the street. Was everything she owned—her clothes, car, house—in some shade ofneutral?
She unlocked the car, and Jake stepped forward to open the driver’s side door for her. He hooked his hand around the top of the door and studied her.
“You really aregood, aren’t you?”
She averted her gaze and fiddled with the keys. “What do you mean?”
“Like you were in high school. You eat your vegetables. Follow the rules. Get your taxes done on time. Return your library books by the due date. Never leave the cap off the toothpaste tube.”
“That’s just beingnormal.”
A chuckle rumbled through his chest. “Normalpeople are messy, indulgent, and frequently waste time doing useless things like watching videos of hamsters eating tiny food.”
She blinked. “What are you talking about?”
“The hamsters.” He made a nibbling gesture. “With their little burritos and pancakes.”
“Never mind.” Jake shook his head. “My point is that you’re good, but you’re also kind of rigid.”
She huffed with irritation. “I am notrigid. I ate your popcorn and M&Ms, didn’t I?”
“But you’re going to have oatmeal and kale for breakfast, aren’t you?”
“So?” Callie tossed her hair back and took hold of the door handle. “There’s nothing wrong with living a disciplined life, Mr. Hollywood.”
“As long as you allow more time for fun.” He couldn’t resist reaching out to curl a lock of her hair around his finger. “Come with me to the classic movie feature on Wednesday night.”
She bit her lip. “Why?”
“That movie—” he indicated the Vitaphone marquee with the milkshake cup, “—was a terrible way to break your long dry spell. You need a much more exhilarating experience, one that will make you want to go back again and again. I can give that to you.”
Heat sparked behind the wariness in her eyes. She knew he wasn’t talking about just the movies anymore. And he knew he was diving headfirst into the danger zone. Hewantedto.
He leaned forward, boxing her into the space between the open car door and the driver’s seat. Keeping his gaze on hers, he tugged her lock of hair and brought them closer together. Her eyes widened. The air grew thick.
Jake’s heart hammered. He knew how to treat a woman, but none of his former girlfriends had been like Callie. He’d never wanted to kiss a woman more in his life. He’d also never been as scared. A kiss from him could send her running in the opposite direction.