Page 60 of And I Love Her
“Hmm.” Jake slipped his hand to the back of her neck and drew her gently closer. “Are they still considered bad omens?”
“Considering we just saw one…” she rested a hand on his chest, her nerves lighting up with anticipation as their mouths touched, “…I’d say they’re very good omens.”
“Me too,” he murmured against her lips. “All your knowledge is pretty sexy.”
“Yours is too.” She drove her hand into his hair and gave it a light tug. “So’s your hair. And that twist you do with your mouth when you’re being ironic Blaze Ripley.”
“I can do a lot of other things with my mouth.”
“Show me.”
Their kiss deepened. Callie edged closer and spread her palm over the front of his T-shirt. Even through the thick cotton, she felt the burn of his body heat. She was unbearably tempted to slide her hand underneath the hem and touch his warm, strong muscles.
A cold wind blew in from the ocean, wafting under her thin jacket. Goose bumps prickled her arms. Jake lifted his head reluctantly.
“Much as I’d love to hear you tell me more about the stars, it’s getting cold.”
“Let’s sit in the car.” She glanced back at the windshield. “Except you can’t really see stars from inside a car.”
“Sure you can.” He winked.
Callie’s heart jumped. Before she could talk herself out of it, she opened the door of the backseat and climbed in.
Jake leaned partway inside, his eyebrows drawn slightly together. “You know what can happen in the backseat of a car at Lighthouse Point?”
She didn’t really, but Callie was bone-deep certain that Jake had a very good idea of what happened in the backseat of a car at Lighthouse Point. Heck, he’d probably invented the “happenings.”
“I have no idea.” She lifted her hands and blinked innocently. “Maybe you can teach me.”
Warmth darkened his eyes. “You ever make out in the backseat of a car before?”
“Once.” She twisted her mouth wryly. “With Billy Jackson when I was sixteen and going through a rebellious phase.”
“You? A rebellious phase? How long did that last?”
“A few hours.” Callie shook her head and laughed. “I should have picked someone other than Billy from AP History, though. There was a lot of bumping and panting, and then we both decided we’d better get home before we got caught, and he had a tutoring session the next morning at nine anyway. So that was the end of my walk on the wild side. Billy’s too, I think.”
A grin flashed across Jake’s face. “So you want to give it another shot?”
“Do you have a tutoring session tomorrow morning?”
“Then get in the car.”
Despite the casualness of her tone, her heart was thumping a low, heavy beat in time with the excitement brewing in her core. She’d come to intellectual terms with the fact that her time with Jake was limited, but that didn’t mean she had to curtail her attraction to him or the urges of her body.
Andsincetheir time was limited, why shouldn’t she enjoy all he had to offer and all she wanted to take? She’d never have another chance like this, certainly not with a man like him.
She just had to make sure her heart knew this wasn’t forever. It wasn’t evena month from now.
Before she could lose courage, she grabbed a fistful of his shirt and pulled him into the backseat. “Kiss me where it’s warm.”
With a groan, he closed the door behind him and slanted his mouth over hers. “That means I have to kiss you all over.”
Callie brought her hands to his jaw, his slight stubble rubbing deliciously against her palms. The air thickened, stretching with both tension and anticipation. He urged her lips apart and slipped his tongue into her mouth, shocking her with arousal. The tastes of buttered popcorn and chocolate flooded her. Jake pushed closer, moving one hand to her nape and sliding the other over her abdomen to her breasts.
Her breath caught. Under her jacket, she wore a thin, maroon scoop-necked shirt that she’d picked out because it was another one of the few non-neutral shirts she owned. He covered her breast, and her nipple budded up against her palm.