Page 87 of And I Love Her
She wanted to know why and how they’d found inspiration in the tales of the gods and goddesses who had populated her life for as long as she could remember. The myths themselves brimmed over with immense creativity and passion—and now, for the first time, she wanted tolivethat way too.
She picked up her phone and called Jake.
“Callie?” Slightly breathless, his deep voice flowed into her like a soothing balm.
“I’m sorry I haven’t gotten back to you. I was finishing up my proposal and just sent it to the editor few minutes ago. Before my deadline, I might add.”
“Hey, congratulations.” She pictured his gorgeous smile and twinkling blue eyes. “When will you hear back?”
“Hopefully within a week or so. Where are you?”
“Jogging to the bookstore.”
Callie couldn’t help laughing. “You haven’t quit yet?”
“Can’t leave Grumpy in the lurch.”
“Why are you jogging?”
“I’m late.”
“Okay, I’ll let you go.” Her heart constricted the second the words were out of her mouth. Of all the things in the world she didn’t want to let go of, he was at the top of the list. “I’ll see you tonight?”
“Can’t wait.”
With a smile, Callie ended the call. Her gaze fell on the flyer for the painting class he’d signed her up for.
It had been silly for her to be so uptight about the mere idea of taking a class. It wasn’t skydiving, for heaven’s sake. If she really wanted to start living…or at least,inching…out of her rigid little comfort zone, she could certainly take a painting class. She might even enjoy it.
She slipped her heels back on, picked up her satchel, and headed out to her car. As she drove to Sugar Joy, she recalled that tomorrow was their usual dinner at Eleanor’s house.
Should she invite Jake?
The question popped unbidden into her mind. She’d want to tell her mother and sisters about him first rather than just showing up with him at her side, but maybe it would be okay to finally let them know she was “seeing” a man.
Well, not just any man. Big, sexy, famous Jake Ryan.
Flexing her hands on the steering wheel, she let out her breath. Her mother and sisters would all be welcoming, delighted, and polite at dinner, but they would definitely be wondering what was in the cards. And how the cards had been dealt in the first place.
She turned onto Starfish Avenue, frowning slightly at the lack of parking spaces alongside the street. Must be a town hall meeting about the Spring Festival. She drove to the back of Sugar Joy and edged into one of the Reserved spots between a massive SUV and a truck.
Time to celebrate her new proposal with a coffee—maybe even caffeinated this time—and one of the pastries she rarely allowed herself.
She unlocked the backdoor and went inside, surprised by the bustling activity in the kitchen. Five bakers instead of the usual two were rolling out dough and setting up pans of croissants. Rory hurried into the kitchen from the front counter, her face flushed.
“I need more ham-and-cheese croissants,” she called. “Are they out yet?”
“About six minutes,” one of the bakers replied.
“Hey, what’s going on?” Callie approached her sister.
“Just super busy.” Rory pushed her bandana away from her forehead and shrugged. “It’s been nonstop since this morning.”
“Why? Is there something happening in town?”
“Not that we know of. Must be a tourist thing going on somewhere, though, because we’re not seeing many locals.” Rory picked up a basket of chocolate-chip cookies. “I gotta get back out there. We could use another hand, if you’re available.”
“I’ll be right out. Where’s Mom?”